
The absolute values are being discussed because certain people are having a hard time wrapping their heads around the percentages. They look at the notion that “35% of female murder victims were killed by a SO and 2.5% of male murder victims were killed by a SO” and don’t understand that this doesn’t mean females are

Is that really the point? So the implication being that a male murder victim is somehow complicit in his own murder because he shares the gender of his killer? The point is that men overwhelmingly victimize other men more than they victimize women. And these men that are doing the murdering represent a tiny subset of

The reason he compared 100 female murder victims to 1000 male murder victims is that men make up a much bigger percentage of murder victims in general. So if the stat is “30% of female murder victims are killed by a spouse” and “2.5% of male murder victims are killed by a spouse” in theory those two numbers could

According to this paper:… women make up 70% of victims of spousal homicide and men make up 30%. However it is not clear the gender of the perpetrators of these crimes...a good deal may be male spouses in homosexual relationships as it is not specified.

I assume this is based on some subset of murders such as domestic homicides. It can’t apply to homicide at large because men make up the vast majority of murder victims.

By leaps and bounds actually. Men make up roughly 75% of murder victims.

Lol...Women are responsible for only roughly 10% of all murders which is miniscule. This idea that women are just as dangerous but society twists it around is complete bullshit pushed by MRAs (and ironically, sometimes by misguided feminists who want to compete with men in the criminal arena and push the idea that

Governments as a rule investigate and infiltrate all activist groups, regardless of where they lie on the political spectrum. They will investigate environmentalist left winger groups the same way they will investigate racist right winger groups. Any group that is attempting to motivate political change in any kind of

Fun fact: Holocaust deniers claim that the concentration camps were actually awesome places that were like summer camps, with swimming pools, ice rinks, good food, singing etc. They seriously believe this.

Especially if they were would be no different than spouses in abusive relationships or abused children. They would be extremely eager to please their abuser, in this case the master.

Yeah but for most people 2 million dollars would change their lives or maybe even make sure they don’t go hungry or without shelter again. Nicki Minaj was already rich before this.

Wow, the “You can’t judge people for anything” brigade is really out of control.

The vapidity of people repeating stupid phrases like “boss up” and “get money” from rap songs as if they are somehow reasonable defenses is seriously annoying. It’s always middle class white people saying it too, trying way too hard.

Pretty funny that people are surprised she’s a horrible person. Thats basically her entire image...being a vapid, money obsessed bitch.

Why would you like Minaj? Brainless superficial talentless hack. Also a completely horrible person according to pretty much everyone who ever met her. What a person to idolize.

“Nicki Minaj’s perfect, erratic verse on “Monster” stands as one of the greatest in rap history”