
Here’s what abusers say when they realize you might fear or reject them; ‘I don’t want to have to punish you again. I know where you live & work & where your family lives & works. If you ever break up w/ me I will kill all of them after telling them you made me do it.’

So, do we think that the cash was to buy more gear?

As a side note “ventilated” is my favorite euphemism for that act. I know an old guy who says “let the air out of them” that is also in the rotation for me.

The most interesting part of this entire article is that there was actually a police officer on the highway.  The Southfield is an absolute nightmare to drive down unless you’re a psychopath.

Comparing LA to these areas is apples and oranges.

More like I’m just curious of the psychology at work instead of accusing. Of course timing comes into play, the longer you were with a person the harder it is to leave I’m sure, especially if you have kids with them. I don’t know, I just can’t really fathom staying after the first violent episode even with a risk to

Shrunken balls, both figurative and literal.

Yeah, I would have used my car as a weapon on him. Bring a pipe to a car fight? Good luck, degenerate.

they found $30,000 in cash and steroids”

Yup he terrorized women, specifically, had he tried that with someone who could fight back , it would have happened once and never again.

You know dude would drive off the moment he would see he was trying to start something with a bigger guy. 

Like a little snivelling baby.

Eventually they broke up”

The low price on this 2016 family hauler, in this market, seems either too good to be true, or these are as crappy as I think they are.

3am, just coming from a friend’s house, no drugs or alcohol - happens to me all the time. Where’s the ticket for phone use while driving?

I would respectfully request that car people please let things like this alone and let the non car people buy them. Gear heads will be disappointed and the absolute blandness with never be noticed by the non car people. My cousin has totaled 2 of these bore machines, both in white.

Dude has a history of drug and alcohol abuse, but the cops took him at his word he wasn’t drinking or had drugs in his system because he’s a celebrity. That’s a double standard worth reporting.

I never had a car with them and didn’t know they were that bad. People who had them seem complain a lot about the Model 3 not having them, so perhaps they like the light being on even when it’s safe to change lanes.

Which is why cameras are better, especially if they can be left on.

Do people actually use blind spot indicators?