
I already pay a hefty surcharge on my annual registration. Now they want more?

“EVs can weigh up to three times as much as gas-powered cars, creating more wear and tear on our roads and bridges.”

Yeah, like renaming a whole mountain.

Range anxiety has always been in the  owners head. It goes away quickly once you own an EV.

$49,740? My brand new 2024 Tesla model 3 was only $38,990.

Well, duh. Range is grossly overrated.

And four tons?

Well, duh!

I’m fine with the free 80% Nitrogen blend

One word. Norwex.

“Lazy, fucking writing still on this site?”

Thank you for pointing that out. 25% on Chinese batteries.

Like the one that Biden enacted several months in a cynical move out Trump Trump on Chinese batteries. 25% tariff. That is why the base Tesla model 3 RWD is no more. It has an LFP battery. I guess I’m glad I bought mine when I did.

You think this guy is a Republican? Really?

What part of “Full self driving (supervised)“ did you not understand? The supervised part? You are still responsible of the safe operation. There never was a claim of “fully Autonomous”.

I believe it was just another mass murder/suicide. Not the first and won’t be the last.

My experiences with Enterprise have been excellent.

Or the car had sustained extensive damage was shoddily repaired.

Is this article satire?

We Know? Because CBS says so? I haven’t seen any evidence.