
structural weaknesses? what are you talking about? All the speculation here is around whether or not there is enough structural weakness (ie- crumple zones) to protect passengers from the inertial forces of a collision. That thing looks pretty well intact for having completed a full rollover. I think you need to work

From someone “in-the-know” (I’m an independent consultant for the auto industry with over 25 years experience) and also not a Tesla apologist, I can tell you that this thing actually held u quite well if this is from a rollover test. Ancillary parts are designed to be able to break off/break away with the focus being

The 5-10% of usage that needs to use the generator during peak usage doesn’t make the remaining 90% moot.

Given that most RVs are basically made of paper mache, Coke cans, and bailing wire, 40 trips is probably a bit much for one to endure.

We were looking at something to replace our 20 year old Layton and were in a Springdale and my wife pointed out some poor fitting trim and the sales guy nonchalantly goes “they’re all like that”

I can picture the sort of person who would buy that truck.

Burning man got gentrified. Not sure people even try to pretend it’s anything but an excuse to have sandy drug sex.

Yes, that’s part of why Burning Man was kicked off the Playa after the total destruction of 1996. Burn scars everywhere.

The subtext of Burning Man has never been “leave no trace.” It has always been “Who gives a fuck about this place, I wanna do fun shit in the desert.”

Oh a communist, huh? 

On the list of things Burning Man is about, environmental causes don’t even crack the top 10. This is because the top 10 things are all drugs, Instagram clout, sex, different drugs, and the various combination and permutations thereof.

Burning Man is pretty much the ultimate in douche-bro gatherings, based on the couple people I know who are devotees.

We love to take our 700+ horsepower $100k trucks to festivals about self-reliance and being kind to our earth mother or some such, don’t we folks. 

new here I guess.  Kinja will double or triple post pictures randomly and not post them other times.   Can’t figure out the reason or solution.

While I in general approve of the camera mandate, I would be even MORE in favor of visibility standards for cars. 360 degree requirements. Too many cars are like pillboxes on wheels.


tbh I find this sort of Altima hate rather disgusting. Poor people need to get to work, and so much of Altima hate is just “ha, ha, POOR PEOPLE!” It’s especially galling that Regular Car Reviews realized this is what was happening with people making a big show of hating PT Cruisers, and then several years later doing

they use the same glue on those they use for the turn signal stalk, so they tend to fall off

What are you some kind of freaking cave man?!? Using old outdated and OBVIOUSLY flawed technology like a mirror *clutches pearls* It’s a known and 100% proven FACT that it is entirely impossible to back up a vehicle without a backup camera, and frankly if you even so much as attempt it your kids should be removed from

Customers are looking for sharper, more aggressive styling, and the Model 3 Highland certainly delivers”

In your scenario, the 14-50 is going to be the limiting factor, as it can only max sustained output of 40A, so realistically the difference isn’t quite as big...something like ~10-15 miles per hour depending on vehicle. Not insignificant, but when charging overnight (8-9hrs), either will likely get the job done just