And where does the energy come from to run the high speed rail?
And where does the energy come from to run the high speed rail?
Sorry. Except for the Mazda there is not a single vehicle in that list I would be interested in.
Used Nissan Leafs can be had pretty cheap.
And, as a bonus you won’t need to stock up on fuel stabilizer to prevent that 8 month old gas in your tank turning into varnish. Win, win.
Auto glass companies just love them. They account for a significant part of their revenue. Many keep driver’s door glass in stock for the more popular makes.
I spent an afternoon with a Mach-E pre-release model in February of 2021. Sorry but, it is an SUV. Simply because it rides like a truck. Also it’s size and shape make it more like a Tesla Model Y. An SUV. Not at all like a Tesla model 3.
Does a lion need to tell anyone that it is a lion?
Could we maybe just start with something basic like lane discipline?
Instead a bland station wagon?
You praised Tesla here? The death squads will be paying you a visit shortly.
I was the parts manager at a Porsche/Audi and Fiat dealership from ‘76 - ‘81. People in management were given company cars. One of the cars I had was what I thought was called a 924 turbo. I maybe had an “S” on the back. I don’t recall now. The 944 came later.
Having sold heavy trucks for more than two decades, classes 4-9 I can attest tanker truckers can be very aggressive for some reason. Flat bed haulers are next in line.
And they stink to high heaven. And they never shut them off. cuz diesel. SMH.
What do you consider the “financial demographic” of the average BEV owner? I paid less for my Tesla model 3 than either of my last two sedans and the price was less than the national average of new cars these days. $39,990. Also about half the price of some of these “bro dozers” you see today.
Or just put the HVAC on “keep climate on” and let it maintain your set temp so you come back to a comfortable car. Or use “Dog Mode. if there is a puppet in the car. It actually takes very little power to do that.
Just had to go political and throw in that Trump jab, didn’t you. Your TDS sounds terminal. Seek help.
This marks my 49th year of seeing at least one event at RA. I need to live at least one more year.
Says a 50 year old white guy? /s
Um, no thanks.
So? What’s the problem? Just print more money. As much as we need. More and more. It’s nothing new.