Um, it was reported late yesterday that it was intentional Almost certainly a suicide. A very expensive one for the airline.
Um, it was reported late yesterday that it was intentional Almost certainly a suicide. A very expensive one for the airline.
Sure, I never thought of that. Adiabatic heating.
“Pressure loss”? Yea, I guess you could call it that.
“rapid disassembly”. I like that term. How rapid do you think it may have been?
He has also said he did not want any “50 year old white men” on his team. You know, experienced submariners. What would they know about it?
What are you? 12 years old? Grow up.
Not yet, but soon.
My, aren’t we pleasant. You must be the life of the party with that mouth.
This would not be a first. You may or may not remember a certain Lear Jet carrying a well known golf pro crashing after an identical event some years ago. It was later determined that one of the cabin’s vent valves was defective and resulted in a very slow leak. One that the pressurization system could not keep up with
Exactly why I keep my 2012 Mercedes SLK 350. If I put the top down my watch warns me that I’ve exceeded noise levels of 95 DB. What a nuisance.
Whose facts. Even Pilate asked of the Nazerene “What is truth.” Nothing new here folks.
So you picked a rare extreme outlier instance thinking you would debunk my statement?
Range is overrated. By the authors own admission his commute is 180 miles per day. Even a Tesla base model 3 RWD with about 260 miles rated range can handle that with overhead to run the HVAC on a hot day.
That’s what a key card is for. What make and model will allow you to do what you say?
Why? What has Musk done to affect her life? Her personally. I don’t give a rat’s ass about feelings. I care about results. I’ll wait here for your answer.
Who’d of thought that there would be a demand for a pickup the size and weight of full size pickups of just a dozen or so years ago? Who needs these ugly, modern behemoths except those guy with small members? Other than contractors that actually haul stuff.
I think the picture above says it all. CelestIQ.
Autopilot does not recognize stop signs. FSD Beta does. Autopilot is just intelligent CC with lane keeping ability (auto steer).
Maybe with fertilizer prices so high it was just stolen to be sold on the black market.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Take Lizzo for example.