
My husband has this amazing story of a friend that grew up in Alabama. This guy had been taught that buffaloes were extinct and did not exist - his whole life he thought this. Later, he joined the Air Force and was making a cross country move. He was cresting a hill in rural Montana, and he drove off the road in

smart, talented, and a badass bitch.

“You think people should fight for justice rather than finding any sort of peace.”

So I haven’t actually watched the video of the crash (and I don’t plan on it because it sounds horrifying), but it kind of annoys me a bit that it’s brought up on every article about her. Yes, what happened was horrible. I completely acknowledge that.
But directing attention to that constantly seems to detract from the

omg did you just solve depression? Mind blown.

you do realize that the people who subscribe to and frequent those places don’t JUST post there, right? that in the comments (and the content) of almost every default subreddit, one finds exactly the same kind of prejudice and smarmy privileged masturbatory wailing, and though it may be less extreme, it is

Scotsworth, so long as coontown exists I hope you’ll excuse us our disdain. Reddit embraces racism and misogyny by choice. Spare us the numbers.

Who cares, while some subreddits are pretty awesome, reddit as a whole sucks

In a sense, yes. But in another, truer sense, no.

I can’t believe he was ever my Ghost Dad.

Yeah, but was it a male reporter from the Associated Press who discovered this? Because then I’ll pay attention.

Or this is just some cover for a weird science thing where all the boys get together to make Kelly LeBrock.

fuck yeah girl scouts and


Har har big black dick is hilarious, always glad to be reminded my huge, black, scary genitals are a punch line. Gotta love that white comedy for white people

Am I supposed to feel empathy for this raging talentless bigot because, I hate to admit, kind of finding that difficult after the past two weeks

So, she’s still racist and gross but she’s thin now & got a haircut, so it’s all good?

So I got from this she is an unapologetic racist comic. I dislike her as much before the interview as I do afterwards, she is also so unfunny.


No sex on her terms. These dudes are, by their own avowal, rapists.