
There are even large portions of the gay and lesbian community that are pretty open about their belief that being trans isn't even a real thing.

Right, I just wanted to make the point that the woman's membership was revoked for fairly standard reasons. I can't imagine there are many places that won't revoke the membership of a person who starts approaching everyone entering the gym to discuss her issues with another member for any reason. So the outrage is

It really is much harder for trans people out there than most people imagine, no matter where you live.

Just to be clear, the woman's membership was revoked not for complaining about it, but for approaching women entering the gym to "warn" them that they would be forced to change with a "man".

Supporting the L the G and maybe sometimes the B has been safe. Supporting the T is not nearly as safe.

As acceptance of trans people grows, the reaction to non passing binary trans people, non binary trans people, and queer trans people is starkly different than from the reaction to passing binary trans people. Sadly my hope is not high that this will change any time soon or even ever. Still, I'm really excited that

It's the part of the rose you control with your feet.

It's a big hat, it's funny.


I hope they were tasty calories!

That's no secret.


Ice cream tastes better than tears.

I am going to go buy ice cream. I have feelings to eat.

Good luck with your campaign! I will always be a grey, I have no hope for glorious campaigns.

I don't comment often, and as a grey no one is going to see it anyway so i do not feel a particularly heavy burden to be an informed commenter.

Roughly 60% of the time i just scroll through the articles and read the comments. Don't tell anyone.


Honestly the Jezebel comment section is my favorite thing on the whole internet. I love you all more than i love Jezebel itself.
