I’d just like to point out that I greatly dislike the term “Frunk.” I much prefer the combination of the British-sourced “Boot” with the common “Front” for the delightful “Froot.”
I’d just like to point out that I greatly dislike the term “Frunk.” I much prefer the combination of the British-sourced “Boot” with the common “Front” for the delightful “Froot.”
Ah yes. He’s mad that trucks are parked in front of his property. The logical action is to render them immobile.
Walk into any dementia-care area of a nursing home and you can have basically the same conversation. I’m not kidding.
One is violence in a video game.
Almost as if there’s a difference between playing a violent video game and threatening violence in real life (even as a joke).
I think there’s a bit more nuance there... it’s a bit of a false dichotomy.
Just patch it in....
“that the similarities between the logos could cause confusion for consumers and lead them to believe that the leagues are affiliated, or that the similarities could dilute MLB’s brand and the strength of its own logo.”
Not sure how you can argue MLB and Overwatch are similar enough to cause confusion. I mean Overwatch players are in far better physical condition.
My windshield wipers are dull so I moved to Syria.
Those neighbors are awfully righteous for people whose fences are made out of dildos.
How is it a production car if they haven’t produced nor sold any?
Just goes to show that GM is truly innovative - they’ve had vibrating trim panels years before everyone else.
Remember when Donald was going to make us respected by the whole world? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
I can see it now, Merkel will go up to Trump and extend her hand to grab him by the balls, ‘cause when you are famous, you can do that’
Can we still be fronds?
What a releaf! This is going to be unbeleafably mean looking and I’m glad they branched out since the last one certainly did leave a lot to be desired.
Dragging someone like that can cause serious damage to their arm and shoulder. That right there is child abuse. There’s a reason a fellow teacher took the picture, immediately reported the incident, and the school immediately fired her.