Illegitimus Prime

This kind of shit is why I immediately mute every single human being on voice chat in any online multiplayer game.

From the link about growth plates:

Looks like he wasn’t quite the traveling Salsman.

Woah, this is really cool! I’ll be the first to admit that sim racing is in my esports blind-spot, but I’m always happy to check this stuff out whenever I stumble across it. Gonna mark this down as a scene to keep an eye on.

At first I was all “What? This is beautiful. Look at that wonderful little Civic. Such a great little car. What a great family.”


You know what works even better and relieving tinnitis?

Incredibly angry, thanks for asking!

These useless chucklefucks. Just look at this smarmy little dipshit.

“What advantages does this war have over, say, an ethnic cleansing, which I could also afford?”

Did it look this fat as a concept? It looks like it went from resembling Model S (good) to resembling Model X (less good)

Modern cars are a tiny bit cleaner than cars from the late 90's, I think we have all the regulation and government oversight we need in that area.

As someone who doesn’t read up on that type of shit, my impressions were this: Wow, it’s a Mass Effect game. Too many sidequests that are fetch quests, but otherwise it’s a Mass Effect game and I don’t see what the problem with that is.

Yes, the online campaign was wrong and bad.


I was thinking something like JavaScript would be a good choice since you can use it for front end and back end development.

:| nerve wracking? Maybe in the 90s, but nowadays everything’s been pretty thoroughly idiot-proofed.

Aside from the fact that you’re a fuckin’ moron, you don’t really think it’s okay to grope a woman no matter what they’re wearing, right?

So, girl got in trouble for referring to somebody who stole from her by an insult that didn’t involve any swear words, like “a**hole”, or as potentially offensive as “d-bag”?

A Juke NISMO RS. It has a 218hp/210lb-ft 1.6L Turbo, a LSD (fwd), short ratio 6spd, Recaro Sportster CS’s. I’m 5,11 & most of my height in in my legs. I can fit in the back seat comfortably. It’s not FiST good from the factory, but with some suspension mods it will make a FiST cry wolf.

This isn’t backlash from Mass Effect 3, this is a massive downgrade from Dragon Quest Inquistion and the Mass Effect Trilogy. I don’t know what the hell happened but damn it I’m conflicted if I want it fixed or not

Hey, Honda, remember when your engineers were talking about plans for fixing what was wrong with the CRZ? You might want to give these people a call.