
Especially since they all come from the shithole states.

Right Wing Nutters: “America is the greatest country in the world and fuck you if you don’t recognize and celebrate American Exceptionalism!”

The basketball part

So... this guy 100% has the basketball yips, huh?

Whatever, Albert. Let’s see you look cool while trying to shoot a 55 lb. basketball.

At least half of my star is for the handle.

Whole body has to be across the line of scrimmage and his back foot was still on it.

Statistically Mariota’s worst season as a passer to other players. Statistically Mariota’s best season as a passer to himself. And no one can take that away from him...

Obama was, and is, everything and anything these loons need him to be.

Lavar Ball would smash them all to pieces. He has 50 lbs+ on all of them, except maybe Dunham.

Roth, you are a wonderful addition to the Deadspin team.

She said “fucking retar-”, I believe.

Now playing

God damn, Kadri ripped out some of his beard.

New Orleans Saints 2006-present.

Has anyone reached out to the Tequila Cowboy for comment or is Jerry Jones too busy to talk?

No one likes you.

I have no problem with this and honestly, their national championship is as legitimate as whoever emerges victorious from the SEC championship game this weekend and/or whoever wins the rebooted American Idol championship this season. It’s all entertainment designed to make sure the right people are getting paid.

The Peach Bowl spread was +9.5 and they won by 7.

and Auburn was 10 point favorites.