
Bengals cannot change stripes, head coaches.

They were pretty stoked on 11/8/2016.

Glad you enjoyed it and got inspired to paint your helmet. Send us some photos on Facebook when you get it done!! I was surprised at how easy it was too.

Sounds like he dropped an L in his lap and swerved.

Thank God somebody is listening to Cris Carter.

I mean, have you not read any news from Hollywood this year?

This is what happens when you eat too many Ls.

Jameis Winston standing there by himself trying to look hard after none of his teammates made the slightest effort to hold him back—when it was damn clear to everyone that’s what he wanted—is a goddamned Christmas miracle.

Jameis Winston with the “oh shit no one is holding me back.”

I’m starting to think that all that talk of Jameis being a mature and stable man might not have been true, guys.

So he lets Jeter et al make Marlins’ fans like Le Batard their bitch, he goes on Le Batard’s show and Le Batard makes him his bitch, now he’s bitching to MLB about being made a bitch by one of the people he helped make a bitch.

You would think that Wilpon would have a better understanding of “unsustainable” economic models by now.

I know that he made it the old-fashioned way.

Big deal. FIFA has been determining outcomes with paper in briefcases for decades.

Richardson was apparently very disappointed to learn he had to sell the whole team rather than each player individually.

It’s the we don’t care part.

I’m sure the Best Fans In Baseball are taking the news with their usual grace and aplomb.

Nobody ever remembers the actual awards.

Why would they? It’s obvious even the show itself treats them as afterthoughts.