put this guy on the no flight list.
put this guy on the no flight list.
I can’t think of many reasons to throw someone out at altitude. This makes the cut though.
Makes total sense.
This is a really weird take. Those “ignorant masses” seem to have handled themselves pretty well today, all things considered.
Yep, it’s “irrational idiots” who don’t want their state’s highest-paid employee to be a man who concealed child rape.
When news broke that Tennessee football had given up and hired Greg Schiano to replace Butch Jones, the reaction…
26-14 or, as it’s known in Alabama, courtin’ ages.
Carnegie m’elon
Where’s the fucking Hatfields when you need them.
Definitely not as good a joke as the Cowboys’ playoff resume since Super Bowl XXX.
We talkin’ about practice.
And this is him when people are watching.
This is what happens when a bunch of old dudes want to get in a dick-measuring contest, but no one wants to actually drop their drawers and show off their dead flaccid wieners.
Fuck Trump.
I wish someone had beaten Tkachuk to a bloody tkpulp.
He was last seen putting an offer on the New York Islanders.
It’s Buffalo and upstate NY mate. You don’t have to stretch too hard for the reason. The same fans backing this move probably wanted a “pocket passer” like Glennon in the offseason
Let’s hope that he sprayed it with Holy Water to prevent it from bursting into flames.