LiAngelo probably thought the shopkeepers would be just like LaVar and not pay any attention to him.
LiAngelo probably thought the shopkeepers would be just like LaVar and not pay any attention to him.
It’s 2017. Of course the guy with a horseshoe up his ass blames Luck.
I thought Cashman made is quite clear that the players had an issue with Joe Girardi: “Our issues and concerns were the ability to engage, fully communicate, and connect with the playing personnel.” It sounds like Girardi did not have that connectivity with their young core of players - a core that’s only going to get…
Green not getting suspended is bullshit. You can see he stopped, thought about it for a second, and then proceeded to throw Ramsey’s ass to the ground and start punching him. But got forbid a guy smoke a doob or he’s suspended for half the season.
“You see that there? That’s a green hobo mistake. You gotta tie a string to your hat, that way, regardless of high winds or a minor donnybrook you still have something to strain you sock soup with.”
Except those people’s willful ignorance and tacit acceptance of systemic racism isn’t valid and okay, not everyone’s a winner, and you don’t get a cookie for simply having an opinion.
If you are against the kneeling, you are an uneducated (perhaps willfully, on this topic) bigot.
It was so much better than I was expecting
I thought she was drunkenly going in for a kiss at that start there.
Nope, won’t happen.
I was expecting vomit.
But it was a pleasant surprise, for sure
Shoot her eight times? She’s white though ...
Did I miss the part of the video where they shot her a bunch of times?
I’m guessing those Blue Lives Matters assholes are going to be conflicted as all hell. On the one hand, they’re going to argue that the drunk chick had it coming. On the other, black guy. Truly a Sophie’s choice situation for them.
No way man. If you strike first, you have every fucking right to get your shit rocked. This is all on her.
Jesus Christ, Buddy. Yeah, she’s drunkenly swatting at your head. Did you really need to “neutralize the threat” by punching her in the fucking face? Was it that scary, really? Why not just fucking shoot her 8 times next time?
I don’t know what I was expecting to happen... but it wasn’t that.