
Oh for fuck’s sake.

You are all hypocrites. All of you. Fuck off.

Taiwan is a liberal democratic country (COUNTRY, fuckers) with a democratically elected president (not leader - president, and that’s Doctor President to you). She is a PhD holder who is the first female president of Taiwan and the first democratically

Blogs like this have become an echo chamber of grief, disgust, and shock, regarding Trump and the possibility he will remove the vast majority of Earth sciences away from NASA. It would actually be comical if it weren’t so utterly pathetic. The thing is, he’s not talking about eliminating Earth sciences. He’s

The QA characters are the worst.

fuck Maeve

How did you fuck up a Back to the Future 88mph reference?

Exactly what’s the negative with regards to the Carrier deal?

Because, regardless of whether their “plans” were based in reality, relied on facts or, in fact, were even actual “plans” and not just slogans, one candidate went to rust belt and manufacturing towns and said “I’m gonna save your town, I’m gonna bring your jobs back and we’re gonna make America great again” while the

I don’t understand why people think there is ample margin in small business to pay a $15 minimum wage.

“This Thursday, folks across the country will indulge in one of America’s most enduring and self-satisfying traditions: the injuring of Native American people and the destruction of land for financial gain.”

I don’t know if it is true but I’ve seen an ad before some youtube videos claiming the Standing Rock tribe was invited to all the planning meetings and never showed.

Sorry, I have limited funds to donate, and I chose to donate to a local community shelter that will directly help those in my community.

the 37different genders is not why dems lost. It’s this reaction in this exact post why the dems lost the election. It was a fucking joke.

I’d say the reaction to a joke that was kinda clever, kinda meh, very harmless is perhaps a reason why Democrats lost the election.

If Maddie had her way, she’d call every earthquake since the last major plate shift an aftershock. It’s just easier to call then all earthquakes after a few days. But that doesn’t make for slow news day filler articles, and Maddie has car payments to fund with questionable posts.

If the answer is “no,” you better get yourself a union.

And a big Fuck you back dude.

Wait a second; I thought Trump was going to go after journalists.

You might say they’re....

As a Charlotte native, I am pretty familiar with Kannapolis.

"Earth's climate, as we know, swings hot and cold through natural geologic cycles. "