
Then why was everyone upset with Obama’s crying and apology tours then?

So 6 years is since you last had sex then..

Gizmodo media is almost universally white. Sure there’s a token minority or two, just like liberals like it.

The black one couldn’t find his parents before shooting up the ghetto.

Yeah, Deadspin bigots say that all the time.

Teach you own damn child not to eat something that might harm or kill them. Don’t force 20 other kids to coddle your snowflake.

Uhh, no. Next question. Your author even states why in the article. CBA is collectively bargained. Federal rules supercede California rules. Trout has to honor the contract as is.

You live a sheltered and petty life. It’s a character in a movie. Get a life.

You knew it was CGI because you knew the actor died. The people I saw it with had no clue because they didn’t know he was actually dead.

More ‘settled science’ being debunked. Can’t wait to see what’s next.

So you’re saying the average person has the same chance at success as socialist economics. Thanks for the tip.

Perhaps don’t take union dues and funnel them to far left causes that have nothing to do with the unions or there members. People might take unions more seriously.

Because the other side had a more deplorable choice?

Make nice with Russia: bad. Piss off Chinese dictators: bad. A little consistency would be nice.

Enjoy President Trump.

60 million plus of them voted for Hillary.

Why is the US still in Afghanistan then? Seems like this modern hi-tech military can’t even pacify a stone age failed state. At least the 1950's version had won a war or two.

Keep up the stereotypes. Maybe your insults and petty jabs will win 2020 for you. Probably not though.

You didn’t respond to the guy who says white run and developed countries are better because you can’t. Given the choice would you move to Europe or Africa? Simple question. Won’t hold my breath on you answering though.

They can do their job or be fired. Simple even for a liberal like you.