
I'v never under stood this. You are teaching your kid to solve a problem in a way they should never use to solve a problem any other way. It also makes the parent look like they don't know another way to fix the whats wrong. As a kid who was not beaten as punishment, the two times my father ever lashed out in anger I

and a sad end

So they ran out of cars?

Jesus never said No and was all ready on his knees , dude was asking for it.

This if God exists and this upsets him I'm 100% sure he is capable of handling this. Being all powerful and all that jazz.

Hey here is a idea lets send these dirt bag parents who kick out (See abandon) there under age children to jail seeing as how this seems like child abuse. If some one kicked out a 14 year old and told them to live on the street cause they did not like how they dressed we would all lose our shit.

This is NOT a joke a room where you sexually assault women is a joke? If a store had a beat a African american room would that be a joke? and yes it IS the same.

To add to the list of come backs people are makeing up " You know, ____ You'll still be a dick when your dead "

Maybe your right he was trying to hurt her feelings with out makeing it super clear. If thats the case what a huge pig ... we need better social justice no one should be this guys friend and no women should sleep with him... freeze him out till he acts better.

I have a question as a man. "You know, Kirsten, you're even pretty when you're fat,".

The two biggest things for me was 1# every one else is just as insecure and scared as you and no one is thinking about what pants your wearing 99.9999% of the time. 2# There is no all powerful group deciding who is successful or cool and who isn't 90% of being in charge of a situation is taking charge of it.

How can we abuse things that love us so much they dont rip our throats out when we are dicks?

That is up there with some of the worst things iv seen people do. The dog is just laying down and as soon as the door closes he just starts kicking it. We need to start having social justice ... no one should do business with this guy , or sleep with him or be his friend. When people are bad every one else needs to

The simplest thing I try to point out to people is that the Secert service is one of the nations best trained organizations they all have guns , there are dozens and dozens of them and in many situations they can not protect one guy from a nutter with a hand gun.

This is so refreshing, and to any cops reading this Respect your community and they will respect you PERIOD.

Here is whats REALLY scary about this its not just that this guy is a monster. Its that these women did not feel comfortable just saying " F you arrest me " because they felt like what ever bull shit he made up would stick and no one would take there word over his.

For those who don't under stand why these are all common cars its because there super easy to flip. Few people want to buy black market BMW's or Ferrari parts. Its easier to fence stuff like this.

People care more about the person who fixs the problem more then who solves them a lot. Iv looked like a hero for cleaning up some thing I did.

Yes and bosses LOVE to hear you just say " xxxx happened but don't worry I'm on it"

Know your bosses Goals is a big one, also know there pet peeves. My boss loves me and guns for me every time a promotion comes along because I know what pisses off his boss and I know what pisses him off and I usually go out of my way to solve those kinds of problems. Figure out what you can do to make your bosses