I travel a lot for work my issue wasn't that there arn't these scams there are more that they where listed by nation, like the one about gypsy kids it almost imply that these places are infested , there are panhandling kids in a lot of nations.
I travel a lot for work my issue wasn't that there arn't these scams there are more that they where listed by nation, like the one about gypsy kids it almost imply that these places are infested , there are panhandling kids in a lot of nations.
The thought of hurting some one disgusted me I still had the thought. And thats my point it DOESN'T horrify and disgust them it releases hormonal chemicals that make them want it. None of this is a excuse for any ones behavior its a argument that people need help.
I resend my statement after reading it was probably me being silly.
This whole thing just felt massively racist. Its like a huge list of negative stereotypes of country's. I live in NY and I'v never heard of a taxi doing that EVER.
The issue at had here is we need to separate in our minds the people who have a urge to do some thing and the people who DO IT. We all have bad thoughts , most not as bad as sexually abusing a child, having that those means that person needs help acting on it makes them a monster * Or does it mean we arn't doing…
Here is the problem with this kind of thinking, there are HUNDREDS of mental illness that cause people to want to do bad things . The problem here is that the things they want to do have sexual urges with them that are VERY strong. I had bad depression and bi polar in college and at one point I couldn't stop thinking…
I read a comment a few days ago on another car site about a guy who owes $22,000 on his 2012 Honda Civic. His payments are $440 I don't know how that is possible but we need to do a better job teaching people about finance because that's INSANE. This guy is going to be thousands of dollars under water when his car…
I'v learned that in many cases if you treat a child like there brain actually works it does. I'm not judging any ones parenting some kids go fucking nuts and don't care what you say but some times its worth a try to just be honest and adult.
IF and I only say if because I don't want to jump stright to this being a gun with regular bullets and not a gun with rubbers bullets, IF this is real then I'm starting to think they should call in the national guard to protect these people. The federal government needs to step in and say " We don't care if you are…
One of the biggest issues that I have with all this is the idea that cops are some how magically morally superior they will not lie they do no wrong. My absolute closest friend is a state trooper, he drank when he was 16, smoked weed * Not a big deal in my book but technically illegal and I have questioned his…
The first car accident I had totaled my car, I barely knew my name when the cops got there and the person who it me was sitting on the ground in shock. What some one acts like right after a trauma is a crap shot.
Some thing that some one really really needs to start covering is that rape is not just a sexual act that you didnt "like". It is extremely violent and damaging to the body not just the mind. I can not tell you how many people I have told that women have died from rape or that there was so much vaginal tearing that…
I think that just means that was where the email was sent from, I assume they where stolen from some where else. Email is not really where we store pictures to begin with.
Its amazing that a man I cant imagine any one ever going near naked is so caught up in looks and the looking of a women's vagina. News flash dude with your personality you don't have to worry about it.
It blows me away here that this guys thinks these things have to do with blacks just not being able to make the cut, it has nothing to do with the fact that for decades a black man legally couldn't do half the things he lists ... because of white people. As a white person it seems unfair for us to take credit for…
Don't stick your penis in crazy....
Sounds like he couldn't shot her so she shot him.
Because as massively shitty as all this is if you really sit and take a grasp of how many 6.5 Billion on one planet really is you figure out that a massive majority of us not only get along fine but work together and take care of each other. if just one out of 10,000 people are crazy violent ass wholes we are stuck…
This is retail, I got fired from my first job at a game stop because I had a car accident where some one re-ended me . This was 10 minutes before my shift and I had to go to the hospital and when I called him my manager said " You are here or you are fired" I told him where he could shove it.
Strength might be proportional... your response how ever is not.