
Just a comment a lot of people are going to say these don't sound like big issues. But imagine you buy a car that cost about $300 million dollars , you are going to use it to drive customers in your business around and plan to keep it for some thing like 20 years. Would you take it with cosmetic damage right off the

Chrome is a known resource hog it does Full sand boxing, basically every tab of Chrome is like launching a whole separate instance of chrome.

When I first read this I felt like you did Brian but think about it this way. We are all acting like the man was totally mentally incompetent he DROVE his car into a dealership for maintenance. That takes driving and forsight. We are being told facts like he has early stages of dementa but if you saw a man drive a car

Your right looks arnt all there is to it , you also need a name like Justice.

Should we have a public debate about black people being monkeys or if the Jews deserved the holocaust? There is debate about a idea then there is people coming together an absolutely shutting down vitoral offensive bull shit. This case is the latter.

THIS if the law won't fix some thing lie this the people need to band together. We need to have some social justice here, these guys should never get dates, have friends or any decent job.

You know what would be some Fantastic advertising for another college... give this girl a free ride , show that your school has far higher moral standards.

I know this is wrong to say, I know it might not help her and it really wont solve much... but some people on that campus need to beat the living shit out of these three guys. This poor girl had to drop out because of depression ... they should be afraid to come back to class.

Of course she has lots of black friends who else is she going to try and convince to bleach them selves

Im confused, if a male nurse see's a attractive women come in from lets say a accident will he be so distracted by her attractiveness that he cant do his job correctly?

People sue for a lot of unreasonable things, but lets make a deal when some one dies before we burn them or scoop out there insides or freeze them we make SUPER DUPPER sure there dead? Like maybe check 2-3 times even.

Lets put this in prospective for every one hateing hard on the Brazilian legal systems. This is a crappy thing in this situation, but getting convicts working is good. Every system has flaws there are countless studies and even dozens of cases where the US legal system has executed IE MURDERED people proven later to

Its pretty clear thats what he is doing, think of it this way. Do we really think he just knew that quote that some what fits off the top of his head? No way he had it preped

Try google desktop viewer. For personal machines its FANTASTIC.

The way the memory is on a flash is such that the information is never lost unless there is physical damage to the chip. A unplugged USB in a controlled sealed environment would last close to forever. They don't need electricity to store the information they just use it to right the information.

Oh god the internet has twisted my mind, I think the face the fox/wolf is makeing is hot

LOL I didn't see anyone even bring up COBOL like it doesn't exist. This was my first programming language. Personaly VBA is what I show people. Visual studio express is free and easy to use. You get to see some interface stuff and its very simple.

One of the best pieces of advice any one ever gave me.

The problem with your theory is a issue most people think about our mass murder of sharks , that we do it because we are afraid. The truth is we kill MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of sharks every year for food.

I LOVE that this man was willing to be totally honest about his daughters comment *if he really said this, it is heresay after all* I mean I love my sister but if she said this id call her out and tell her to shut her mouth.