
Heading out for weekend adventure is great, but you’ll always want a handful of stuff with you for the ride. Here’s

Wolf Blitzer eating the flesh of human and Marsupial babies on air was when I started to re evaluating my watching habits.

Oh horseshit.

Seeing a little maxima right there.

So did you do?

Some things I have learned in life.

Scott Pilgrim is not an adaptation of a video game, nor is it about video games.

“Did you hear a faint whirring sound?”

People getting paid to make content is one thing. But modding is a COMMUNITY, if you are getting paid you are no longer a modder, you are a developer who has licensed content from the original dev. The whole community functions on it not being monetised, monetising it just totally damages the whole system at a

I watched all 51 minutes and I hope everyone here does too.

Why, hello there.

The current boom in programming jobs has all the symptoms of a bubble. Don't choose a career based purely on what you'll be paid. If you love the challenges of being a programmer and genuinely enjoy the work, have at it, but being a programmer just because you wanna make bank, bro is an incredibly dumb and

I don't want to pay $70,000 for a VW. In my mind a VW is supposed to be a car company that makes cars for the lower and middle classes. It's a Audi, why sell it as anything but what it is? Would you buy a Cadillac rebadged as Chevy for a Cadillac price?

You couldn't pay me to be on Long Island.

Agreed. If he disrupted a holy ceremony or caused damage to the statute, I'm totally there for misdemeanor charges. But this? This is just harmless stupidity. If Jesus is all that offended I'm sure he'll have a sit down with him or send him to time out in a molten pit.

What a fucking piece of shit. I wish I could put some kind of witty spin on it, but honestly, fuck this guy.

I hope Sade finds a good, loving home. I hope Desmond Hague is ignored by everyone for the rest of a long, frustrating life.

Yes, the police officer explains it: "The teacher's (school district) email account was essentially hacked..." It was his district email account.