
Honest question how come these things all ways go to LAW SUIT city? how come not criminal court go to jail them selfs city? I mean isn't this man slaughter?

The metric should be real life. If the person can pass physical testing who gives any dam about there BMI. Can they run the required amount with out passing out or sending there heartbeat up 10x? Can they hump the required amount of weight?

You said EVERYTHING is genetic, accidental death is not Genetic.

this is common in foster homes where your parents might not be genetic. And before you say well your parents died thats genetic maybe they got hit by a meteor.

This isnt naturally them in many cases its because the baby was left on its back to longer. Infact in a majority of cases

Science doesnt say this at all , research a bit about this. There are good fats and bad fats

I don't think that was the point of the qoute at all. The idea is that there is a point where a piece of tech could be SO advanced that a third party could claim its magic and you could not prove him wrong. If aliens came down from space and made a elephant grow out of what looked like a rock * I'm picking some thing

Are tons of you people really compareing sneaking on to a extra fast line for people who play for first class tickets to stealing spots from handicap people? This not a service for the disabled the sick or the weak... its a paid way to cut ahead of the line. Is it cool no you are stealing a little bit of benefit that

I totally called this to everyone I know right after the trial. Its going to be like OJ he got off then he kept ending up right back in jail because it didnt change the fact that he was a criminal ass hat at heart.

These guys are scammers and they shouldn't be making money HOWEVER. On a side note, I don't see why the placebo effect is considered such a terrible thing I mean do we really care if things work with the mechanism they claim if they make us feel better. its funny because the Placebo effect is often writen about like

I don't even believe it I think they were just cheap and wanted a reason. Unless there waiter came over and was like " Hello im Patric and i LOOOVVVEE haveing crazy glittery sex with men I met at a rave, how can I server you today" then these people just wanted to not tip.

This is actualy a pretty old trick that alot of people who use a stright razor use. Iv been useing a stright user almost since the first time I could save and I was taught to lather up well then rinse it off and rather again.

I think this is more accurate I'm 24 so facebook was not a huge deal when I was pre-teen and a big deal when I got older so I was around for the segway. Facebook created this new world where kids could be sharing things with friends and family and bullies could get them any where they went. When I was young I got

One thing I'm not sure I see in this article which is a HUGE HUGE deal is that the police asked the parents to bring the girls in AND asked them to stop there access to social media I think at least for the time being and they said NO.

I truly don't mean to be rude but saying "40% into a hard to reach bank account" shows a MASSIVE disconnect with the vast majority of people. My best friend from college has almost no debt beside $5000 in student debt, he doesn't have a car payment and has a roommate. He has a BS in Computer science and only makes

Very rarely do I actually laugh out loud, but when the video start I was like aww thats cute he is smart then he left his paw there kind of like "Now stop that I'm thirsty " and I just cracked up.

So I'm going to admit a dark secret about myself and please relate if you can so I feel less carvernisly empty inside. Some times I drive by a Red Lobster and think " is there some meal there I can stand eating so that I can have those biscuits, also how many can I eat my self with out my GF thinking 'dear lord what

Lets also not forget that when FF 11 came out it was one of the very first massive online console games and in fact *I might be wrong here but I'm pretty sure I'm not" was one of the first ways you could get the PS2 HDD and connect online. It also cost $ 100 which was 1/3 the cost of the console on release. That would

In fact FF 11 is a strange piece of gaming history. It never really got allot of press there are huge groups who think it got shut down when in fact its been a very popular pay to play game for TEN years now. In fact if you want a example of just how popular it is the last expansion AND the last rerelease * base game

Cocains a hell of a drug