
You know what. Fuck it. I LIKE Watergate salad. Y’all ever been to a Southern church homecoming in like July or August? Big stinking tent in a parking lot outside a tiny ass backwoods church just full to the brim of old folks and humidity and potluck shit? Finding the piece of table with ice box pies and ice box

This looks oddly familiar, like I seen it on a TV show that had nothing to do with firefighters ...

My wife cried at the end of Cool Runnings — the part where the Jamaican bobsled team carries the bobsled across the line after crashing. We were on a charter fight from Minnesota to Mexico, and it could have been the influence of the beer or the general rowdiness of the flight that sent her over the edge.

“But Killmonger’s scars could also be a subtle nod to another comic book villain”

The reason this is getting nerfed is not because it’s too powerful but because it’s been perceived as too powerful.

USA Today needs to get their shit straight. They label LDL Cholesterol as “bad” and that it’s a cause of heart disease. This is false (partially). Small particle sized LDL is pro inflammatory and can lead to cardio vascular issues, yes. But, saturated fats such Coconut Oil are excellent and promote large particle

I’ve seen The Color Purple multiple times and even I forgot Steven Spielberg directed that one. It’s so closely associated with Whoopi Goldberg and Oprah Winfrey and blackness in general that the white director kinda gets forgotten, at least in the circles I’m in.

Obviously they won’t go. No one in the NBA supports a travel ban.

More fun facts:

“Flat Earther Does Something Dumb.”

So was that a yes or a no on my Trump piñata?

I wonder if the sentence “stunning blue eyes” exposes human prejudices. My kid has deep dark black eyes and those are just as stunning to me

“If this is my banker please do not STOP PAYMENT on any REFUNDS for ATTENDEES!”

Now playing

I couldn’t help but notice that you didn’t mention the beauty of the Juice Weasel.

If you own one of these machines, or invested money in it, your right to vote should be taken away because you are fucking idiot.


I work for a school district; we have plenty of 2009 iMacs being used every day. SSD swap takes about a half hour (less time after you’ve done a dozen of them and feel confident). I recommend going with this adapter:

I also received this for Christmas as a child but sadly no longer have it.