
Addendum: Big Jones and m. Henry, both In Andersonville. Wishbone. Pearls. Valois, but mostly for the classic, old school and South Side atmosphere.

Philippe The Original’s Spicy Mustard is next level.

“It’s Hot...But Good!”

Philippe The Original’s Spicy Mustard is next level.

“It’s Hot...But Good!”

There are fewer better poster children for shitty automation than self-checkout. I have literally never, as in not one single time, successfully completed a checkout at a self-service station in a grocery store without having to call a human employee over. And it’s not because I’m an idiot. Or not entirely, anyway.

2 words: Pokemon

I never knew that I wanted this. I still don’t know why I want this, but...I want this.

When I was a kid, just before my father decided to start resenting his family, he used to read me from his Avengers comics he’d purchased in the 60s and 70s. As a result I had no idea comic books were even a niche thing until the first X-Men movie came out.

While we’re on the subject of the horrors of war, and humanity’s most poisonous and least charitable attributes, let me not forget to mention Barbara Bush (that would be former First Lady and presidential mother as opposed to W’s liquor-swilling, Girl Gone Wild, human ashtray of a daughter. I’m sorry, that’s not

If a cop could get full pay for a do-nothing job and all he had to do was shoot someone, every single cop would shoot someone on the first day.

Nah, all we have to do is make any unlawful death payouts come out of the police pension fund instead of the general fund. Cops will immediately start policing their own if their money was on the line.

I remember the bit where T’Challa’s Mother and Sister show up at the other tribe that lives in the snow-covered mountains and their leader makes jokes, which of course (this being a Marvel movie) are totally out of place with the tone of the movie at that point. Oh, c’mon, stop it already, Marvel.

Shakespeare’s work had a lot of dick jokes in them. And your audience may vary. Mine laughed at quite a few points. You are right that it felt the least funny of all Marvel films, though.

Really, because everyone in my cinema laughed at “What are THOOOOOSE” and “like an antelope in the headlights” at the very least.

Agreed. It’s a very good movie, but I thought that it was notably less jokey than other Marvel films. Part of that feeling might be that we’re coming off the super duper jokey Thor 3, but even looking back further the MCU tends to be pretty comedy heavy, and Black Panther wasn’t. The only other Marvel movie that I can

There are several moments of explicit humor. “Did he freeze?”, Sound Cloud (and Klaue in general), “Don’t scare me, colonizer!”, M’Baku’s vegetarian joke, others. It wasn’t a comedy, but there was definitely some quality jokes.

Golf Story is my first Switch game I’ve completed. Breath of The Wild, Super Mario Odeyssy and even Stardew Valley had been put on hold for Golf Story.

For someone that doesn’t like/play golf, I really enjoyed Golf Story.

Man, if only the second paragraph of this post were about that exact thing.

Seems to work great. The American medical establishment will likely make sure it’s never approved for human use.