
Totally agree. It was a terrible idea for a painting and the end result would be nothing to write home about even if she’d chosen different subject matter.

Seriously. Had she chosen Mamie Till as the subject of her painting, that might have better expressed what she was trying to convey.

It’s not like there wasn’t source material available.

The funeral and the fact that Mamie Till chose to have an open casket was a really big deal. I was at the African American History Museum and they have a room that is a recreation of the Till funeral (ironically the only part of the museum where you can’t take photos). Walking through it I couldn’t even bring myself

I love my Altec Lansing LifeJacket 2. I think it’s legit waterproof, not just water resistant. I’ve used it in the shower and it’s hunky-dory. Also dropped it in a full sink and it came through like a champ. The sound is quite good, too, for a portable speaker. Loud and crisp. The battery life is excellent as well.

I love my Altec Lansing LifeJacket 2. I think it’s legit waterproof, not just water resistant. I’ve used it in the

has it ever been proven that MJ is her biological father?

Just because someone criticizes Hillary Clinton doesn’t invalidate their “wokeness” or make them “not an ally”

Well, this fucking sucks.

This just made my Friday. Thank you.

Yeah, I’m definitely going to go home and listen to that whole trilogy.

I will never start art wanking to Kanye. Never.

I liked how the dad went on a long rant about his violent hatred of deer. He dies from Chris impaling him with a deer’s head.

Also, shout out to Alison Williams’ performance. Even when we saw the old photos, I assumed she was getting hypnotized to have all of her past interests wiped from her memory right up until the bit with the keys. And she made a great determined psychopath at the end, would like to see her in more roles like that.

The thing that struck me was the end when the police car pulls up. Usually in a horror movie the police showing up is a sign that the ordeal is finally over. However, in this movie when the cop car pulls up there was a big groan in the audience. Everyone knew that there was no way that the police would believe

The top comment on the reddit discussion thread for the movie noted that Chris escaped the basement by literally picking cotton. If that’s intentional, and I’m inclined to believe it is...brilliant.

During the tour of the house, the father says the basement is locked because of “black mold”

And why don’t those damn kids get off my lawn?! And what’s a “Moonlight” anyway?!

Except it’s literally not. It’s exchanged as bits and bytes and never becomes physical capital. It is traded on high volume deals in a world in which we have no access. It makes no couches, buys no food. It’s taking the concept of fiat currency to the ultimate end-goal: an agreed upon series of numbers that only the

I love the idea that if we tax billionaires we will lose their largesse. We would cut off the pearls that dribble from their lips down upon us mere mortals. Wither the art museums? Wither the ice rinks?

My neighbors had one of these that they’d let me play with! First thing I thought about when I saw this article - great memories

Not sure what shower girl did, but middle two did nothing but shriek. Downstairs, you the real MVP.