General Jinjur of the womens' army

Exfoliate to get rid of dead skin and a thick night moisturizer to keep it away.

They've been wearing that style for the last couple of years, the cut and material makes them more streamline and cuts down on drag. If you look up pictures of Ian Thorpe from they used to cover more skin but those style suits have been banned because they were giving to much of an advantage to swimmers.

Now playing

Well the cats would probably appreciate it more than these.

I got Olmec, it does explain how I got through AP history without opening my textbook.

that cause Target shoppers like their privacy, they grab the lube and make a break for the fitting room or.... if your the parking lot homeless man go solo in the men's room.

Thank you god

From the ESPN Bodies We Want (In more ways than one, if I do say so)

Mmmm, I'm taking any fashion advice from him with a grain of salt.

Well thats stragically placed, isn't it?

That post was awesome, I wanted to post some of the pics, but buzzfeed seems to be down at the moment. Grrr.

I think I found it, Dixie Longate. (Hopefully the link works)

I remember something about a drag queen selling Tupperware. I think it was on here actually.

Wow thats a really big picture that didn't disapear when I tried to edit it. Dammit

Joshua Utanga, he's a canoe sprinter from thee Cook Islands. That's kinda cool.

Will this work?


The hat I was working on last night, yeah it doesn't fit. Dam band is too small for my head, so tomorrow I'll be ripping out several rows and the pattern and winging it.

This is what its supposed to look like when I finish, I'm about half way through right now. I thought it seemed weird that a "slouchy" hat would be that small.

Thats the story of my life period. I haven't gotten the hang of needle knitting yet but I made bolero shrug with my round loom that I'm pretty proud of.