Are you actually blaming the victim here? Because yikes, why are you doing that? Also, my autoplay is turned off but I can see the strobe gif someone put up on these threads.
Are you actually blaming the victim here? Because yikes, why are you doing that? Also, my autoplay is turned off but I can see the strobe gif someone put up on these threads.
This headline is so misleading and it’s so, so shameful of you to frame the situation like this. The GIF caused him a seizure. He’s epileptic. Yes, that is assault when you do something with the intent of hurting someone else, whether it’s just a GIF. That troll put him in danger knowingly. Epileptic seizures are…
Out of curiosity i spend an hour or so compiling a list of game protagonists to see how many actually are brooding white guys. (is it 80% as Keza claims? Click here to find out!) I tried to be fair, googled some of the games i dont know etc. but someone who has more time can try to do it more accurately. (or just see…
What is the rule of how many generations it takes to become a white male from a Syrian born Muslim? ie. Altair > Desmond
Whatever happened to “innocent until proven guilty?” I guess every accusation is legitimate here on long as it’s a woman accusing a man. Michelle Williams is treated as a god on this site. She was fine working with Affleck. Is it possible that she knows something you don’t? Manchester by the Sea was…
I am sorry but unless it’s known that guilt is definitive it’s not right to elevate allegations to a de facto verdict. People accuse people of all sorts, not always with basis, merit, and veracity.
From Oglaf. NSFW
They’re not tentacles! THEY’RE GENTICLES!
Reptiles with boobs do.
It’s called evolution.
I’ve always been bothered by female reptilian monsters having tits. What sense does that make? reptiles don’t breastfeed...
You think the world is passing him by? I take it you haven’t seen the election results yet? We were so busy with little stuff like this and locking ourselves in a Twitter echo chamber that Trump waltzed right to the Whitehouse. You don’t get to say that anymore. :(
Are you required to play this game? Is there not already thousands of board games released this year alone? If you don’t like the tone of the source material, why are you interested in this game in particular anyway?
Are you serious? Ummm, maybe buy a different board game. This stupid bullshit attitude of everything MUST BE made to include everyone is so dumb. Yes, let’s just Vanilla down everything so it applies to everyone and there is no variety....
Wait, is Desmond white? All this time, I thought he was mixed-race.
Nah not really. Maybe to people that are only capable of thinking about race and gender obsessively.
Oh look this article again. What a shocker.
Oh great another one of these articles, we get already. Although I guess since I’m sorta trans F 2 M am I’m a traitor thus my being a little tired of hearing this drum beating makes me an “Uncle Tom” or whatever the equivalent word would be. Not trying to be a dick or a troll I just think this whole “white male”…
How dare you talk crap about Max. There’s quite a bit more to him than what you described, especially when Mona is involved.