
A settlement is not a guilty verdict, you don’t have any more of an idea of what happened than I do.
I can comment if I want, so keep your silencing threats to yourself.

“To be a mediocre white man in America really is something after all.”

“what is very likely an actual problem that actually happened.”

So basically you can gossip any kind of shit about anyone, but preferably about men who don’t currently make you wet like Tom Diddleston.

So what was stopping your from playing an LGBT character before?

And yet he does appeal to (not just) women in a sexual way. Funny how that works, eh? Things can be more than one thing.

“The other says, “Come and fuck me my lord!”

As a bisexual man, I disagree.

Not his schlong, but the author does lovingly describe his graceful cat like movement and rippling muscles, every single time.
Male power fantasy!! I hear you shriek. Well, also really fucking hot if you’re a gay man, or a heterosexual woman.

Incorrect. Look at Belit, Valeria, a shieldmaiden princess from one of the first stories (the one where Conan infiltrates a Hyperborean fortress) and a bunch of other minor characters.
Women in Conan stories fill both the comrade in arms and the in-need-of-rescue roles.

So I take it you never actually read the Conan stories?
(how many women have YOU talk to about Conan? My flatmate is a woman who read the books very recently and she loved them, didn’t feel like her womanhood was trampled upon. It’s almost like there are different people with different tastes and someone’s critical

All of these analogies imply there’s something inherently wrong or harmful with a male power fantasy.

“She’s not trying to erase its existance”

“People who hate being viewed as sex objects still deserve to play board games with their friends.”