That's So Reagan

We were talking about how Rage of ManBearPig needs to either write a comment that is better than yours or forfeit the right to criticize.

If you don’t need to be a carpenter to recognize a poorly made chair, then why should ApesOfWrath have to make his/her own fan trailer just to prove his comments are valid?

My problem with these fan made trailer mash ups from old movies is a) they’re always too long, they should be the length of an actual movie trailer (2 minutes 20 max) and b) they cut them in the same style as movie trailers now with the music and bwarrrr sound effects to go with it. It'd have been much better if

well bully for you? for some of us it feels different. imagine that

maybe. i’m interested in the work. i’ve heard the acting is fantastic. but i’m not going to pay him to see it. it’s hard not to be a hypocrite when it comes to consuming art made by shitheads

fuck nate parker, fuck his co-defendant/bff/co-writer and fuck that deadline article.

“You’re a prison” is such a good comeback.

Legally suing a publication and committing a heinous crime are not even comparable. I’m pretty confident raping a child would get you kicked off of the school board/beaten and raped in prison.

To follow your analogy:

But the pistol remains on iOS keyboards,

A literalist will cut off the hand of any thief, unless the one stolen from doesn’t want the punishment (Islam allows room for repentance and forgiveness). Those who allow more room for interpretation won’t cut off the hand of someone who steals for need (starving man steals bread) or for the theft of trivial things.

The interesting thing with Islam and literalism is that, outside of a few topics, there is wide room for liberalism. The Quran is a relatively tiny book, and so speaks to very few actual topics that Allah has given His word on. Much of Islamic law is built on Hadith, which literalist can largely ignore because the

Ok so I’m not the only one reading it that way. To me it’s saying bad people look for loopholes and twist things to mean what they want, but the ones who know understand the literal stuff as being true.

I agree; the story seems to pretty clearly be one of “follow[ing] that of it which is unspecific ... and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]”. I don’t really know how the author gets so much comfort from the passage (but I do understand why she might be inclined to try and find that comfort).

Counterpoint (and no disrespect intended): Like other “holy” books, the Quran is made up (by man) and should be understood in the context of the time and culture it was written in. Not saying it does not have a lot of beauty and truth about life, but to consider a book the inerrant word of God is how troubles start.

Thank you for sharing this!

As a cyclist I say fuck that guy, the cops totally did their job.

you can see the Flying Elbow Cop thinking “THIS IS IT! THE MOMENT I’VE TRAINED MY WHOLE CAREER FOR! THE PEOPLES ELBOW!!!!”

I’m torn here between my hatred of urban bikers — particularly those on Citibikes — and the fact that the NYPD did not have to treat the guy like he was about to be shipped off to Gitmo.

*would of