That's So Reagan

I just did this, to my wife.

stock, flash hider and pistol handle

Very interesting

It acknowledges the uncertainty inherent in interpretation, argues against literalism, and serves as a reminder to use our judgment.

As a fellow mental illness patient, I love it. The non-mentally ill are way bigger douches on that show.

I did not know MacGyver sexually assaulted women, but I didn’t watch the show much.

Lamp lighter, lamp lighter, lamp light-leroo

I actually kind of like this one.

Some of my favorite artists, writers and musicians are total pieces of shit. Ruthlessness and delusional self-confidence can be terrific assets on the road of self-promotion.

“Also all those stupid types I used to want to hang with are, I realized in adulthood, hacks.”

That baby’s name?

Is that David at the Dentist kid 35 yet?

Seriously, who’s ‘Wonder Woman’?

“he had to adopt an ethnicity”

Whitaker DID darken his skin to play that role:

Of course they’re not the fucking same, I was being sarcastic -

OH no slippery slope -

it’s true and he wasn’t even as old as he looked in the later scenes, they added wrinkles so he could appropriate other peoples’ ages with his agist gerontology-face also he committed facial hairism with that mustache grown only for the film, totally the same thing as the American white guy playing an Indian immigrant

You’d say Obama’s half African-American or Black, just like he actually says, just like Kingsley is half South-Asian.

“Ethnicity is difficult to define, but it’s quite a stretch to say that Kingsley is Gujarati. He is a biracial British man with Gujarati ancestry.”