
Man was he good.

My God....SRV still blows minds. Do yourself a favor and pull up his Austin City Limits performance on YouTube.

The best. RIP SRV.

Now playing

There is a great video of an Viper ACR/Porsche GT3 battle that shows the strengths of each pretty clearly.

Thats not rape culture, thats being an entitled asshole there is a difference and the difference is that when a man has no intention to rape ever under any circumstances he will probably disregard what you said about rape culture. Not that he isnt in the wrong but telling him its rape culture will make him brand you a

Neutral: What's The Best Infotaintment System? And no, you can't just answer "no infotainment system at all."

Neutral: no infotainment system at all. THIS is my my kinda infotainment system : three pedals, a gear lever, and a nice sounding exhaust. And this one won't wind up with my car in the back end of a truck because I just HAD to find that one Mumford and Sons song in the middle of rush hour. Seriously, there needs to be


So you're saying that we shouldn't care whether a track is safe?

I'd like to think they could be networked but given that we can't seem to agree on something as basic as VHS vs Betamax, or Blu-Ray vs HD-DVD, can you imagine the entire world's auto makers coming up with a single unified protocol? I think it would have to be IEEE that did it - like bluetooth or Wifi and then simply

I had literally just walked into the space and had been standing there for five seconds. #assumptionsweremade

Yeah, now I go to a "meathead" gym, and you know what? Those meatheads were the most accepting of different people. Lifters who are small, fat, huge, ripped, brick shithouses, paraplegic, amputees anything goes. Everyone is supportive, as long as the goal is to be stronger and lift with good form and proper safety.


Damn, good thing I hit the greys before commenting. Took the words right out of my mouth.

There needs to be more use of the free weight areas by everyone, but at the same time a lot of gyms have banned deadlifts and Olympic style lifts because the dropping of weights and grunting "intimidates" and is "disruptive" to other gym goers. The fuck? It's someone doing a specific kind of lift, how is that

Inspired by nature. It will eventually turn into a beautiful airplane.

I came here to be exactly as pedantic as you ;-)

Agreed. We also need to remember that we don't know what his definition of 'pretty' is. Certain types of people can appeal more to some than others.

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Pound for pound, there aren't a lot of things that sound better than Group B rally cars. I present the following evidence to back this claim.

What's up with this "click here to continue reading" black box stuff??