
This has nothing to do with heating up the planet. The small engines don’t use much gas, so the impact of banning their sale on CO2 emissions will be nil. They’re getting banned because of POLLUTION, not because of CO2 emissions.

Yeah, I don’t know how people buy new cars, it just doesn’t make any sense. I could afford to buy a fancy, expensive new car, but I would VERY much prefer to save more money and be able to stop working at some point. Buying a $50K+ new car seems crazy. Especially since most new cars are pretty crappy these days. Used

And plant-derived ethanol is not the only solution, either. Given enough power (ideally renewable or nuclear), we could produce fuel from CO2 captured from the atmosphere. Replacing gasoline with a carbon-neutral fuel would be a MUCH better solution to CO2 emissions from cars than trying to force everyone into EVs.

Synthetic fuels may be expensive now, but costs will certainly decline. If synthetic fuels work, this would be a MUCH better solution to CO2 emissions than EVs. A direct replacement for gasoline would control the problem at the source and leverage existing distribution infrastructure, and would have basically

This - finding a carbon-neutral replacement for gasoline - would be a MUCH better approach to reducing CO2 emissions from road transportation than the current push for EVs. Ethanol probably isn’t it, but a more energy-dense direct replacement for gasoline would control the problem at the source, utilize existing

But they will change their algorithms, and then when monitoring become standard, you won’t have a choice. Monitoring may make sense to you now because that’s bait that insurance companies use in the short term to normalize tracking of your driving. If tracking is allowed to persist, we’ll all get screwed in the longer

GPS in cars is pretty useless since everyone has a phone with Google Maps that works much better than any in-car GPS. The only time a standalone GPS could be useful is if you’re starting your trip in a remote area without cell phone coverage, but that’s rare (and Google Maps has gotten much better at offline

Totally. Also, allowing insurance companies to track driving and set rates based on this very detailed information defeats the whole point of insurance. The point of insurance is to aggregate risk, so everyone pays a predictable cost averaged over very large population. Setting rates based on individual behavior

Wait, there are cars that have tech to order food? Who the hell thought this was a good idea? It sounds like car makers are desperate to turn their cars into “income stream generators” rather than just selling products. This s pretty stupid.

Yup. If instead of focusing on EVs we instead worked to make cars smaller and lighter, and got rid of fuel economy exemptions for trucks and SUVs, that would decrease CO2 emissions much more. If we got just a few people in developed countries to have fewer children, that would decrease CO2 emissions even more (having

I’m not bitter, I just find your fascination with your own self-interest over ICE vehicles to be rather counter-productive and silly.

You keep referring to EV’s as a trend. They’re here to stay. That’s why you have a boomer mentality. You’re not accepting that times are changing and need to change.

Well make sure you keep complaining about people who are trying to effect positive societal-level change because it might impinge on your self-interest while wishing that these people didn’t exist, boomer

Without the demonstration that there’s money to be made, there’s no way the big automakers come anywhere near the investment in EV’s that we’re seeing right now. That and EV mandates... but I hope that’s more because of the climate crisis we find ourselves in.

Unfortunately, you’re wrong. We need EV’s, and the rest of that shit you don’t like goes with them.

Hate on Tesla (or Elon Musk) al you want, but they have actually caused a revolution in the way we power cars that was NEVER going to happen if left to traditional auto manufacturers.

By all means, let’s continue to do nothing then, let’s bitch and whine about how EVs won’t change 100% of our problems instead of recognizing that they’re a step in a direction most people recognize as meaningful

Exactly. Globally, less than 9% of carbon emissions come from cars:

Bad take. Without Tesla we would still be waiting for the “big 3" to release an electric car.

Electrify America is getting dangerously close to having enough L3 charging stations that you actually can make city to city trips.