I Like Tacos And Burritos

Ah, the old trusty Ralph Bighead gambit. Why would people employ such a tactic anyway?

I want to know how the aging pills storyline made it all the way to broadcast instead of being laughed out of pre-production. That's as if Walter White had invented a kind of meth that makes people see the future and playing it straight for two episodes.

People should read up on Abdala Bucaram, who got elected to the Ecuatorian presidency in the 90's and was ousted six months later, but what immensely hilarious those months were.

Between his segment on Argentina's debts and this, I'm thrilled when Oliver tackles anything related to South America. As a Colombian I'd love to see a segment delving into the absurdism of Colombia's political stage.

Calling The Rock 'Dwayne Johnson' is the 2010's equivalent of calling Ricky Schroeder 'Rick.' No one's fooled.



Didn't you just read what I wrote?

Also, another character is named Turtle (they didn't reveal his new name until six years later, when he started dating Jamie Lynn Siegler. Yeah). and the wife of one character is only known as "Ari's Wife" through the show's entire run.

"I am the Yellow King."

A college professor I had hated Cosby, saying he'd heard him yell at a crew member "I make more in a year than you'll make in your life." This was back in 2005. God knows what other stories he'd heard.

This still doesn't feel as wrong as those SIMPSONS ads with Homer saying "I'm the Yellow King." Not only were they trying to crack a lame joke over a fictional serial killer/rapist/pedophile, it showed how far the institution had fallen, reduced to pretty much begging for relevance. THE SIMPSONS has effectively become

Whoa, THAT'S bizarre. As someone with 4+ years in the Navy, I can tell you the service will make a Chief Petty Officer out of anyone and anything - a-ny-thing. They won't take anyone's anchors -much less Cosby's - without a reason.

I haven't seen anything more thrilling in a Bond movie than him having to infiltrate that submarine, swimming from one edge to the other, defuse the bomb and escape before it's destroyed. I'm serious, that was pretty neat when I saw it in the theater. And nothing in any other Bond film has topped it.

And SKYFALL drew very liberally from THHE DARK KNIGHT. Does that mean the next one will ape TDKR now? Blofeld-as-Bane-And/or-Talia?

I remember giving CASINO ROYALE mentally a "B", mostly because I didn't understand 70% of the dialogue. I might revise that someday.

In Colombia INTERNATIONAL MAN KF MYSTERY did not get released in theaters at all, but THE SPY… did. I remember laughing like crazy at the Shadows In The Tent gag, and it being a hit in general with audiences.

BURN NOTICE had an episode where Bruce Campbell is ready to "smooth over" his tax issues with an auditor whose name sounds female, and I bet you can tell where I'm going with this even if you've never seen the show.
It was a fun little reversal and Campbell sells the hell out of that character.

I know the connections are tenuous at best - they consist of the works using the same actor -, but here are mine:

I imagine Werner Herzog listening to the tape with headphones, putting his hand on his chin and then covering his eyes.

In a movie full of fucked up things, I find the whole Amazing Amy situation the most fucked up. Like, how's this permissible even in-universe?

As an avowed 24 fan (I bought the $200 set and everything), it raises
points I didn't know. I'd long suspected the show had not invented, but
did pioneer, killing off major characters before their time seemed even
remotely due. Also, although I'd never give the writers any credit for
planning in advance (the legacy