I Like Tacos And Burritos

I will not go to the mat for Day 6 of '24' as a whole but Noah Daniels' justification for having had an affair with his assistant - less than a minute of screentime, if that, in which he briefly mentions his deceased wife Nancy - elevated the character above the Bauer Family Feud nonsense. He provided an oasis of

She'll stick to normalizing war criminals who can't wear a poncho.

If PMMM itself disturbed you too much, THE REBELLION STORY cranks it up to 12. I do not compare it with "Ozymandias" (of BREAKING BAD) lightly as it leads beloved characters to the fate you knew they would meet, and hoped they wouldn't. It drained me, shocked me, and gave me everything I expect from a movie. My 2013

I was going to write this.

Also, Kristen Kreuk looks the part and can fake-fight reasonably well. If only they had given her an actual character to play.

"Chef is without a doubt THE worst movie I ever saw in a theater."
Holy fuck! Holy fuck! They exist! People who also hated Jon Favreau's Divorced White Dad Power Fantasy With Food! *spiritual fistbump* That made my day.

Seth Rogen's makeshift hat-and-bandanna being a direct reference to the Hornet's very first costume and Christoph Waltz dressing all in red and carrying a gas mask around even before the Hornet shows up come to mind when I remember having seeing it. The film was no prize, but at least I liked *something* from it. I

My date at the time made me leave SIN CITY within 15 minutes, two guesses as to why and "quality" had nothing to do with it, really. I returned the next day to continue seeing it, and I don't regret it.
STREET FIGHTER: THE LEGEND OF CHUN-LI ranks among the most joyless, dreary experiences I've had at a movie theater.

"As Buzzfeed points out, the only type he can’t quite pull off is villain: He’s just too damn likable."
I *was* thinking about this after having watched MADE IN AMERICA for the third time: if we had a current analogue today for OJ Simpson pre-botched murder trial, it'd be Dwayne Johnson, or maybe Lebron James if his

Let me get this straight:

Just today I was thinking of Mindy Kaeling in season 1 episodes of THE OFFICE. Her characterization greatly improved as the series went on, but it Still makes me physically wince to remember her doing basically Apu-speak early on.

This seems like the right place to ask: what is the best software for turning DVD's into digital files on the market now?

At work we cannot peruse regular websites outside of a specific "white list" except during lunch. The list includes Google, which also includes Gmail (but only in HTML format) and Google Books - which means I can peruse the SPY Magazine archive pretty much anytime. I have to tell you, it almost never fails to give me

My favorite film, bar none. The performances, the VFX, that ending… Cronenberg and his team fine-tuned it all to haunting near-perfection. It always amuses me that the first half of the film, as alluded in the article, plays as a by-the-numbers rom-com that would inevitably end with Stathis Borans (ha ha, "Stathis

They use a bit in THE GOOD SON where they pretend a car pileup is as bad as the one in THE BLUES BROTHERS and, what could've turned out hacky in other podcasts, these guys spin into gold.

My favorite part: the disclaimer at the beginning where they all but beg new listeners to stop the episode and start out with another one instead because BIOR is "Hard. Mode." And they were not kidding. I think that movie took years off their lives. Not decades, but a couple years each.

Their COPYCAT episode has several bits that I love ("Not Without My Sweater"; "This is the moviest movie I've movie'd in a while"), but my favorite - which might also be the funniest thing I've heard in a podcast - comes when they discuss the stupidity of how prison runaways in TV and movies always go back to

Oh man oh man. This shit also aired in Spanish and as a dumb 10-year old I lapped every single dismal episode. I watched some of it on Youtube back in 2007 - some big fan uploaded several episodes, I guess - and it… sucks. It's just not fun. Like someone said in the comments, they spent all the money on the 1920's

It got a Spanish dub, and the same voices as the Rugrats dub. Don't ask me why I know this, or why I can remember the Goddamn intro song in a snap. Really, don't.

My first time at OtakuWorld was through a CD-ROM included in a Spanish magazine back in '99 - I actually went online for the first time later that year. I still check the guides for game based on anime from time to time even though I never played many of those. As a 13-year old, just learning that there were games for