
Before you scoff too much at them, I see what I’m guessing is likely a third of an ounce of truffle plus whatever is in the oil being used on those two little squares. Truffles usually go for $6000-9000 USD per lb, meaning that croquet, without factoring any other costs, is likely around a hundred and fifty dollars

“an incredible new iPad hack—it can also be a plate.”

If we are being totally real. Kara is kind of a bully.

My primary concern is the echo chamber. Dissent is not tolerated and you’re often immediately dismissed as a fascist, racist, misogynist, troll, Trumper, etc. by merely not existing in lockstep. Hell, in this very comment section there are reminders that “you can dismiss” which while likely directed at legimite

She does not need to to be an asshole  about it though. I’m sorry she is doing this to you. Your commentary is always wonderful.

It’s against the SPJ Code of Ethics. She isn’t treating Kris-the-Needles-Defiant with respect nor is she minimizing harm to members of the public or someone whose steadfast and excellent commentary should be considered almost a colleague. (It’s commentators like Kris that make this site). She is actively causing it

Kara Brown is abusing the Jezebel Platform to do harm to users. She is blasting commentators for innocuous comments. HMR should talk to her and Jezebel should look at the SPJ Code of Ethics to school her in (and every one of their writers who think this is acceptable).

I wasn’t even critiquing, I agreed with the piece.

I hope so too, though banning for disagreeing already happens when it should only apply to harassing and trolling.

They aren’t film critics. They are all half-assed culture critics. Jack of all trades, master of none, and all that jazz.

That’s sad, because as others have pointed out, you added positively to the discussion. No one shouldn’t feel it’s not their “place” to comment on an article in a community that honestly only survives because of the thoughtful commentariat.

I know, right? How dare they imply that the rest of us real Americans don’t appreciate that table. It’s just disgusting!

I tell you what, folks, we’re going to make coffee tables great again. It’s just disgusting, how all these wonderful, so wonderful, very, very wonderful hardworking coffee tables, and let me tell you, these tables make some great coffee. The best coffee, just the best. Good, American coffee, even though the globalists

Pathetic! Little Joanna lies about coffee table. It is a great table and Joanna is BARELY a 6. Liar and DISHONEST. Bad reporter. Very sad.

“Little Joanna” of failing Jezebel tells DISHONEST story about great coffee table — SAD

I like how they assume the chefs are improperly handling the meat and not that it was simply cut from the show because it’s boring.

Pssht, I don’t appreciate that table!

Yup. Keep up the snark, Jezebel, and we’ll be electing that table again and again.

The recent TV remake of Rocky Horror was another example. Laverne Cox was just not it for the role

Unappreciated by whom, Joanna? By you and the rest of the media? Because unlike you elitists, honest, hardworking Americans have been appreciating the hell out of that table for years.