
My first thought was how I’d seen this before but this is a bit of a new twist. I actually think it’s clever, especially using images/video to tie into the plate. Nothing wrong with trying something new. You know I used to think these blogs were all about celebrating new and innovative ideas or artists trying to

You must be living inside my brain because you just perfectly articulated every single thing I want to say about this. Thanks LJ.

Right. The conversations that were here that were dismissed were mild objections to how these three writers willfully disregard art, based on measures of identity. We should be talking about that, all the time. This is creating a very scary world and no matter how many times people cry “ugh racist stful” it’s not

Yeah. She’s really let that Shade Court shit go to her head. First of all, SC stopped being funny more than a year ago. It’s stupid and the “bowing down to the queen/judge” shit the other people here do is embarrassing and has totally turned her into a meglomaniac. Her opinions are not good and why they get so much

This dude is fucking nuts. Serial killer in training nuts.

But I’ll tell you what, too (sorry afterthought here!). tbh I am also completely done with tv shows where the premise is “upper middle class/affluent white dude is a genius and is bored with his job/wife/family so he fucks everything in sight and we spend a lot of time watching him stare pensively at birds or people

As put off as you are by the boring white male narrative is how put off I am by the “I’m going to write a blog post about how to stupid this looks to me and write a bunch of words to tell people I’m never going to see it because UGH WHITE PEOPLE SHIT.” We’ll agree to disagree on this, I guess! 

Oh Hugo. You are going old old old school. Yeah he was a fucking monster. Why Jezebel felt the need to even have his garbage writing here is a mystery to me. He’s working as an tax agent or something now, too. Yeah he was really fucking toxic to readers. Nothing will ever compare to him.

What? Who got fired for sexually assaulting someone? Holy shit. I have never heard that. Did they assault another staff member or something? I’ve followed a lot of Gawker-related news in the media especially since the Thiel thing and don’t recall that at all. Holy fucking what the fuck Batman.

And again, as has been

Sure, but you’re not being paid or hired to talk about those films on a critical level and their place in current pop culture. I think the distinction is pretty clear.

Uh, Anne Burrell is always going on and on about cleaning your station, protetecting from salmonella, etc. etc. Maybe she should sit Guy down for a long talk.

“2016: Well, at least we’re not literally on fire in the middle of a parched desert or anything.”

MBTS has so far only opened in the US & France but you never when that big time Casey Affleck appeal might send millions of Chinese people flocking into the seats to watch a depressing film about death in a cold and desolate environment!

But I do. I read it in your book “Jessamina’s Defnitive Guide to What a Political Figure Is.” MY GOD I GAVE YOU FIVE STARS ON GOOD READS. Wow so ungrateful

I can’t process that. How did that happen with the editor? “Who has not seen most of the films on every national critics’ best of list? You two? Perfect; you’re our film panel.”

I’ve read this comic book since it came out and I just want to know what the fuck are you talking about, mate?

Sip some Chamomile tea. Listen to some Yanni. Look out the window at the sky. Come back to the joke. It’s OK. It will still be here. 

Someone said that same thing about “why have comments” and got banned! Ha! Better watch out! Don’t say shit about Beyonce either or you’ll burn in the fires of Jezebel hell!

But what the fuck is even the big deal about that comment? She asked a question. There’s absolutely no hostility in there at all. Just a curious person looking to explore something of interest to them.

That was literally what they dismissed people for. Just pointing out that it’s highly dismissive of bold art to say “LOL WHITE PEOPLE UGH.” And anyone who dared point that out was deleted...and a few were banned I think?