
Mate, when your husband who is the president of the US of A gets blown the fuck away in front of you and the entire country watches you bury him on national TV, and you spend the rest of your life being scrutinized, idolized, and subjected to 80 billion conspiracy theories about said husband’s death (some even put

If we are being totally real. Kara is kind of a bully. She makes fun of a lot of people and goes in hard. Some people like that type of abrasiveness. But I think she takes it a bit too far with that persona and runs wild. Her entire twitter page is bragging about all the people who blocked her for being kind of shitty

See, and that’s sad. Your comment sparked a great discussion here and now you feel like you did something wrong and shouldn’t have even said something. That is not OK. She’s entitled to her opinion just like all of us. But first of all, she has a blog with millions of readers where she expresses her opinion every day

Right. This is needless cruelty. I’ve been commenting here off an on for a lot of  years (yes, I always use a burner, I don’t care about being a ‘regular’) and this was shocking. Writers have butted heads with readers, editors have jumped in these comments to call us foolish, dimwitted and other shite but to publicly

So one of your writers can screencap and openly mock a commenter that didn’t even attack her personally but you guys are deleting every single comment that disagrees with you? OK.

We’ll probably be next to disappear into comment oblvion at the hands of an insecure writer.

AND it looks like one of the writers is openly mocking a commenter on Twitter, calling her “one of the worst people” for asking about Luke Cage. That is one damn way to treat people who support your work.

Yes, and banned some people too. LOL! They cannot handle hearing people poke holes in their arguments or point out very real issues with the way they view artistic endeavors. It’s pathetic.