I still remember when he was called Spencer
I still remember when he was called Spencer
what the fuck is chris pratt
> XF-84H Thunderscreech
or just drive, because fuck it
> Food likely is, and should be, on your list of exceptions
and people knock “patriarchy” but that right there is the definition of it.
you also have significantly better-trained drivers.
> He tried to outrun police by crossing the state line into Mississippi.
for sale:
I just drive gently, trying to keep the revs between about 1700-2300 (2004 Mustang GT so basically cruising rpm) until the temperature indicator has unburied itself from below the “0" point of the dial, then gradually go a bit more aggressively if needed.
I literally copied and pasted both sentences into Notepad trying to ascertain what the difference was that I was missing.
we need a new America
whoa, is that a U-2 on a carrier? had no idea they could fit, with their crazy wide wings.
> ...*Someone had loosed the lug nuts while I’d been in class*!...
I climbed a tree about 30 feet once to rescue my dumbass of a cat. going up, I was thinking “how am I going to hold him, and hang on to the branches?” but kitty answered that by perching on my shoulder like a parrot.
that’s not his full sentence. Belgian police immediately suspended the license for 15 days, as is standard. he’s also got a court date where the judge will ostensibly hand down something much stiffer.
you might want to pay occasional note to blue and red lights back there.
since I tend to buy 10-15 year old vehicles (last two purchases: 2004 Mustang, bought 2015 - and 2003 4Runner, bought 2018) .... I get the idea I’ll be getting my first EV sometime around 2030.
okay, so Batman
or we just agree that this human interest pap-smear shit is not actually news in any meaningful way.