I like pooping.

I was a Garbage Pail Pail kid fan from back in the day and therefore I cannot think of her as anything but Mary Lou Rotten.

ha ha.  okay but seriously stop it.

> He’ll die broke unloved and alone in a shithole,

I mean, if you fuck kids, you aren’t blessed with anything that could be considered human.

and the total number of those days is ... 1.

ha ha gawker died.  stupid AJ.

nine years later and I stand by my words.  podcasts are stupid.

* shrug *

> before Jean was taken to Baylor University

> the officer, who remains unidentified

> Resource Officer

yep, thus the problem.  I don’t want my politicians anything like me.  I don’t know how to run the country and I freely admit this!

he had anything left raveled?

he had anything left raveled?

oh hell they could ask you to pay in a sack full of goats. it’s a private enterprise; you get the right to either do, or not do, business with them.

dunno, my cars are all David Tracy level crap; I carry liability only.

rest in peace, Turd Ferguson.

yeah where is he?  was there a quiet lawsuit??

I don’t get it.  I much prefer Emmitt.