just for shits and giggles I tried my grandpa (10-19-1926) and ... Minnie Minoso. born almost a year earlier - 11-28-1925.
just for shits and giggles I tried my grandpa (10-19-1926) and ... Minnie Minoso. born almost a year earlier - 11-28-1925.
is that what they’re calling that orange dweeb now?
great, I’d form myself a mutual fund that is 99.9% DonnieCo and, uh, I suppose 0.1% T-bills.
> I barely found time to do my homework
> kind of a back-handed insult not only to Beadle herself but to every host of almost every talk show in all genres.
I would say that anyone who does not participate in football culture has the greatest credibility.
I was an admirer of him until this line
I am afraid to click that and see the national enquirer having sex.
fuck, I was using homophobic terms as recently as 23 years ago. (I was 14, for whatever excuse I may have.) people said extremely dumb shit decades in the past.
I did a 2-1 instead of a 2-3 once when I was first learning and I almost got flung through the windshield.
if I’m in a zone when 60 is a legitimate speed, and I’m doing 30 ... then that’s not exhilerating. that means I planned my journey poorly and no amount of shifting will save that.
I’m with you for the most part; but what did the chicken sandwich ever do to you!?
there’s also Univers and a font called Grotesk which is not in any way what you think it is. it doesn’t look like a Norwegian black metal logo. it looks like fucking Helvetica.
> I really don’t know how to solve it.
maybe if he learned how to spell
dear humans:
arial and helvetica both suck equally. fight me.
this and that “up all night” thing. never gotten it.
USSR-Hungary border, 1988. 62 hour wait.
that shitbox Donnie? please?