I like pooping.

I did a 2-1 instead of a 2-3 once when I was first learning and I almost got flung through the windshield.

if I’m in a zone when 60 is a legitimate speed, and I’m doing 30 ... then that’s not exhilerating.  that means I planned my journey poorly and no amount of shifting will save that.

I’m with you for the most part; but what did the chicken sandwich ever do to you!?

there’s also Univers and a font called Grotesk which is not in any way what you think it is.  it doesn’t look like a Norwegian black metal logo.  it looks like fucking Helvetica.

> I really don’t know how to solve it.

maybe if he learned how to spell

dear humans:

arial and helvetica both suck equally.  fight me.

this and that “up all night” thing.  never gotten it.

USSR-Hungary border, 1988.  62 hour wait.

that shitbox Donnie?  please?

insert here a thousand GIFs of how much one loves this or that post.

he’s like the worst at staying hidden.  what the fuck.

they did. 

not necessarily.  it could have been another ship that split in half with the bow settling a good distance away.  the Titanic suffered damage like that, for example.

I use the hand brake to prevent rollback.

I once got a ride in a tow truck with a guy who had a bad left knee.  he used the clutch only to start from 0mph; otherwise he rev matched and shifted without the clutch.

who’s the orange dweeb and why are we paying attention to it?

today I learned Jeffrey Maier is of age to purchase alcohol.

I Don’tTrust anybody whose CorporateName uses InfixCaps.