orange moron gets absolutely no sanction for years of false info
orange moron gets absolutely no sanction for years of false info
honestly, I would happily play a guy renamed to Jo Backson if his other characteristics were unchanged.
“eh” requires less effort to vocalize.
yeah but it’s the minus-first of the O’s. hit O once; go up one.
can you remember the alphabetical order of the states? what if they are listed by name but ordered internally by postal code?
pretty much any stupid quote having to do with coffee - or wine for that matter - painted in that silly faux-handwriting font onto an old piece of barn wood and sold for 35 bucks in some goobery ‘antique’ store.
dumb and meaningless cliche: ‘live laugh love’
> You don’t wanna be the guy who has to register as a sex offender just because you took a piss on the side of I-95.
fuck, I thought this dweeb fell down the stairs and died a few years back.
Fire Joe Morgan. a blog which had a recurring feature of critiquing an article line by line.
self-defense and self-defense accessories
the only athlete I can think of who is more irritating than Tiger Woods is OJ Simpson.
Raging Meathead takes on guy that can deadlift 350; survives somehow
I’ll serve your ass like John McEnroe
He placed, he stomped, he picked it up.
nothing wrong with that last scenario.
> Mondewhatever
launch pencey into space?
I had totally forgotten to look at the calendar; it’s just a coincidence that I’ll be in rural San Bernardino County, CA this weekend. shit yes.