
No, no it was not. 

Just further evidence that everything about 2022 sucked. And I bet most people still can’t name more than 3 characters in Avatar without Googling.

This is the correct answer. Viggens are awesome, but not modded ones... you can tell the wheels are the wrong size, and the “tune” could end up causing all kinds of issues. Hold out for a stock one for this kind of money.

I have the 32" IGT and it’s great, but Tastemakers (Arcade1Up) doesn’t market it very well. There are a lot of good games, but most people don’t even know about it. They’re good at hype, but they suck at marketing.

The best things this SUV has going for it is how it looks in TRD form yet... no pictures? Really?

Don’t be confused... it’s not attractive.

Sorry, but it still looks like a slug... or a bad, previous-gen Mercedes CLA coupe ripoff. Either way, it’s distasteful.

Couldn’t name more than 3 characters from the first one without Googling (or even one, for that matter)... have less than zero desire to see anything additional.

More does not equal better. Less hyper-politicized content and more tech features would go a long way.

Uh... I think we’re forgetting that one of these two folks was already involved in an affair, and it wasn’t Robach. The fact that Holmes got involved with a producer in a similar fashion may have something to do with the lack of public sympathy for him.

Well, if this is how you normally talk about men, then perhaps this is no surprise.

I just can’t get over the fact that someone actually named an engine “Powerstroke.” I mean, I get it, but man does it make me giggle every single time. And that’s not exactly the reaction you want for a big, serious engine.

I think we’re missing the real story: Stellantis (Jeep, Dodge) has SEVEN vehicles in the top 10, including ties... that’s far and away better than Ford, Chevy, Tesla, or anyone else.

Can we talk about the fact that Robach isn’t the first affair T.J. Holmes has allegedly had? Married GMA producer Natasha Singh might have a thing or two to say about T.J.’s history, here. 

What’s funny is that I get to pick my pronoun, but not my adjectives.

So tired of the “world is gray” trope... sometimes we want a little black/white contrast with a clear conflict. Compasses don’t work because they give you shades of north and south. They work because they give you a clear sense of which is north, and which is the opposite direction. Those are the stories we all want

Let’s not try to make this a feel-good, underdog story. It’s not. They’re selfish, and their actions are wrecking families, children, and extended families. They’re going to leave a trail of destruction and the only winners here will be the lawyers and maybe GMA’s otherwise non-existent ratings. You want to root for

As long as kids are put through hell, spouses and their families are destroyed, marriages are wrecked, and lawyers are the only winners, I don’t care.

Because it’s a practical joke (and a pretty good one).

Maybe, but he’s a buffoon who’s also $193.7 billion richer than you.