
THIS. It was a brilliant move. It’s easy to pick on him, but he’s not an idiot. 

So, they’re TRYING to discourage enthusiasts? Noted. And accomplished. 

Clickbait title... Google is choosing to give your money back, and you don’t need to do anything. Like, at all. You don’t even need to tell them you want it.

At least her missive was well written, succinct, and professional. Unlike just about everything coming out of Gawker, these days.

GOOD. It’s about time. doesn’t sound like a V8, but who cares?

This is great and all, but people don’t buy based on logic, they buy on emotion... and that emotion could be wanting to feel successful, safe, frugal, whatever. That’s how it’s always been, and how it always will be. 

Why would you buy anything else? When you need to tow something... it might be on an aging platform, but the Durango still KILLS anything close to it with it’s capability for the dollar. 

Early reviews will say it’s the best thing ever and should get an Oscar.

Should have been left in. Any body type can suffer from anxieties and disorders. Removing it only amplifies that if you’re thin, you’re expected to see yourself in a certain light.

Bringing Cavill’s Superman back is already the best thing about Black Adam.

Not wrong. She didn’t save the show, but she moved it from being “awful” to just “really bad.”

The actress? Yes. The character she plays? Not so much. 

I’ll be honest, as soon as Dwayne Johnson started spouting off about resetting the DC balance of power, I lost interest. Superman IS the DC balance of power, and it sounds like this movie does nothing to challenge Johnson’s ego around that.

This will be remembered as one of the worst MCU shows of the modern era. It was cringey, illogical, unfunny, and just completely unecessary. Oh, and the CGI was absolutely the worst I’ve seen in the past 10 years. The cast was good, but their talent was wasted on a poorly written, poorly produced waste of time.

This is a smart move. We have two vehicles, and combined they don’t hit 5,000 miles/year. Automakers would be wise to capitalize on people like us.

Really? My ISP can deliver that (600mps, 6ms latency, 0 dropped packets)... and I literally live in a log cabin in the woods, far from any major city. I think you’re still looking at internet stats from 1999, my friend.

Another day, another poorly-written Gizmodo headline. The NYT, this is not... hell, it’s not even the Post.   

This is a REALLY bad idea. Not that I’m a fan of Lighting ports (I’m not), but the idea of a governmental body dictating tech frightens the bejeebus out of me... imagine if they had said everyone needs to have the same screen resolution, or the same operating system, or hell, the same phone, PERIOD.

These slide shows are the worst... in half the slides, the characters’ faces were hidden behind the forward/back buttons. Useless and annoying.