
I honestly don’t get it. It wasn’t a great movie to begin with, so the thought of having to sit through it again just sounds like the last thing I’d want to spend my day doing. At least Cameron’s ego will be sufficiently fed, though. 

Putting the G-Cloud Handheld on the deals page at $300 is insulting to anyone who has a brain (or has heard of the Switch or Steam Deck). 

Putting the G-Cloud Handheld on the deals page at $300 is insulting to anyone who has a brain (or has heard of the

Not a bad idea, just a really, REALLY bad price... why on earth would anyone spend $300 on this vs. a Steam Deck or Switch? Maybe at $99 or $150, but not double that.

Not a bad idea, just a really, REALLY bad price... why on earth would anyone spend $300 on this vs. a Steam Deck or

Here’s the thing... competitor devices let you draw power from a TV’s 5V USB out, so you don’t have to run another cord. This one doesn’t seem to allow that, so it’s significantly less convenient. Android TV is better than Roku’s and Amazon’s OS attempts, at least.

I don’t think Logitech got the memo:

I am shocked that this has to be said on a tech site

Hard to take serious issues seriously when people get fake angry over stuff like this. You can only cry wolf so many times.

Where do iPhone users currently utilize airdrop? Where does this functionality make sense?

I’d rather buy a car that’s not built from a compromised format

With a name like “Hipercar,” the styling has to deliver. And it does!

So sick of “concept” cars... either show us the damn thing or don’t. All concept cars do is set us up for a big letdown. 

Three words:

Well this looks... forgettable. I honestly couldn’t even make it through the entire CGI-ridden trailer. 

GOOD... this was the only DC property (and universe) worth saving. They were smart to cancel Batwoman and all the other mediocre crap if they want to maintain any semblance of loyalty among their fanbase. 

All I know is, the Hulu app runs HORRIBLY on the Google TV, yet my cheap TV’s built-in app runs it just fine and with no hiccups.

I wanted to like this... then I saw the wheels. Good lord those are hideous. I hope there are other options in the catalog, at least. 

This is what it sounds like when the younger generation discovers something the older generation has known for years. 

Doesn’t have to be a sportscar... our last few Jeeps have all been manuals: including an Unlimited and a Gladiator. My Tacoma was a manual, too. 

The physical distances between inhabital planets combined with the energy required to travel faster than light (which Einstein equated to be all of the engery in the universe) makes the possibility of having been visited by extra-terrestrial life not just remote, but virtually impossible.

Cool! Anyway...