
Not surprised. It’s a funny, relatable film that doesn’t try to shove somebody’s agenda down your throat. We could use more of that.

Liberals have... lips and noses [that] are shifted downward

Early-Sonic-level terrible.

Making the leap from “let’s not spray chemicals into the atmosphere” would typically be a GOOD thing... but because it’s from somebody on the right, it has to be somehow related to a conspiracy theory (in a way that you fail to make clear at all)? C’mon, Gizmodo, we know editorial standards aren’t your strong suit,

Trying to go the Deadspin route and create such laughably ill-informed articles that the whole site becomes a joke? This could literally be one of the most blatantly misleading articles I’ve read in years. Saying mp3s don’t sound better than lossless is like saying a Tesla doesn’t go faster than a Camry. Yeah, they’re

The fact that he got 217 COVID shots tells you this man is absolutely NOT fine.

Hard pass. 

This is one of the dumbest takes I’ve read on Jalopnik all year (and that’s saying a lot). The “extremely lopsided on paper” comment completely OMITS what was admitted in the very first paragraph: the Cybertruck is towing a copy of the car it’s racing!

And I don’t agree that Gizmodo is capable of publishing an article without massive typos, either, but here we are. 

Oh yes, yes... I’m sure it’s the dealer’s fault nobody is buying electric cars. That MUST be it.

Let’s not forget Mustangs. They’re the real trailblazers. 

They just legitimized the platform. Who’s trolling who?

The dual-motor EX30 is basically a Polestar 2, and that’s serious business. They’re small, but superbly engineered cars for under $50k.

Another reason to keep passing on the PS5 until they design something not hideous.

It feels like they just want the logo to better reflect the app experience itself... dated, rough-around-the edges, and a lot less fun than you remembered. 

Carts, my man... you’re just looking at the built-ins. There’s a HUGE variety of carts you can buy for about $20 each that’ll plug right in, GameBoy style. 

I don’t want this. I NEEEEEED this!

That Legacy Evolution (stop with the stupid, confusing names already, Hasbro) looks like it got hit by a truck rather than transformed into one. Eeesh.

I don’t care if it was “intentional” or not. If half of your audience thinks it looks unfinished, you’re doing it wrong. The human brain is wired to detect what’s real and what isn’t, even when things aren’t necessarily what we’re used to seeing (like being underwater, for example... no one says undersea footage looks