
Not enough games to care... the original Mario Bros. games really weren’t that great (and yes, I’m a retro game fan old enough to know).

Complicated and expensive.

So, I’m a Jeep loyalist (have two in the garage right now, one is a 2020 model... had Wranglers, Grand Cherokees and Gladiators)... but this? Forget it. I can’t even get past the horrid, Navigator-aping chrome. Then again, living in an actual log cabin in the woods as I am, I’m probably not the target.

All this, and yet... the ball still looked like it was floating when it went around the course. I’m amazed we can’t get this part right.

after a series of stunning demos...”

I just hope they’ve figured out how to make the damn things correctly by now... I got a brand-new Legion i7 in May, and here’s what happened...

So, the proper response is to ignore property rights, allowing this kid to get in REAL trouble when he’s older and does the same? Okaaaaayyyy. 

Catie — Have you tried it? No, seriously... X1 is actually the one, genuinely GOOD part of cable that still exists.

“Far right”...

You’re not wrong. Personally, I’m going cloud... Stadia works great, and if xCloud brings the full-on library, I’m in.

I mean Tesla does it... they just call them “batteries” or whatever.

Sometimes shows DO get cancelled for reasons other than race. It could just be that there’s a lot of competition, and not enough people found it interesting. 

Ok, but we can still all agree that TikTok sucks, right? 

Honestly, the entirety of Stadia should have stayed in beta for a good year or so longer than it did... I’m currently a Stadia subscriber, but I won’t be renewing. While the core service works “fine,” it still feels a bit like a tech demo. Many of the original “wow” features still haven’t come, and there’s not a

And Yes, It’s Free

Correct. The V8 isn’t the problem (these things are heavy enough). But THIS IS a problem:

Sorry, but that video (GIF) explicitly shows the saw blade cutting through about 1/4" of that metal before they pull it away. And that’s enough to cut through most bike locks.

Please don’t consider this a shot at your writing, but I found the following offensive and completely off-putting.

There’s a lot of semi-incorrect information here. What we need to be looking at is something called TGWP (Total Global Warming Potential), which takes into account what happens when less-efficient refrigerant replacements are used in equipment that isn’t designed for it, causing more fuel to be used, making things

This headline should be followed by a “!!!”