Why not both *Meme*
Why not both *Meme*
With you on the job search stuff, and many people do not realize what it’s like these days. But graduating and living at home are not what is catching this girl so much heat. It’s all the petty, self-pitying and inconsistent red flags she’s tossing out. She shouldn’t be reading her sisters texts. She shouldn’t be…
God, the gall of Trump to call someone ELSE sloppy.
Jesus fucking Christ. The nicknames. Always with the fucking nicknames. As if they actually demeaned anyone except himself.
I’m not usually too grossed out by the word “sloppy,” but if you add Trump and Bannon to the mix it gets extra bodily-fluids-y.
People are focusing on LW because ultimately, she can’t control her sister, and as others have said, if said sister is the gatekeeper to grandchildren, the parents may be trying to stay out of it.
Ugggggggh. Am I the only one who can’t stand Helena Bonham Carter? Her earlier movies are good, but the latest ones are nothing but her eating scenery as wild-eyed as possible. In a series that takes itself at least a little bit seriously, this seems an incredibly odd fit. Am I alone here?
You’re absolutely right. But LW does need to stop thinking it makes her better.
We are in the exact same boat right now. An passage in my IG feed this morning had me bawling otw to work:
Ugh, this hits home in a bad and uncomfortable way. I feel like crying at work. I have some difficult decisions to make and it sucks and it’s hard and I don’t plan on trying another relationship when this one ends.
I think her point is that someone is not fundamentally worth less as a human being if they haven’t completed grad school. Not that the LW shouldn’t be very proud of finishing grad school.
Trump thinks of Hope Hicks as his daughter?
Oof. LW3 - take a second to consider that valuing the input of your partner and being able to respond to your partner in a constructive way is an incredibly important value - one he apparently doesn’t share with you. The other things you share may seem like enough to make you want to build a life with this person, but …
My god, when I watch the horrible shell that SVU is now and think about those early L&O episodes, I realize how far we’ve slid as a society.
Aww, dad’s.
TBH - Paul McCartney and George Harrison are / were extremely talented.