What? Sexual assault, pedophila or any range of abusive behaviors are not “human nature.” They are crimes and sure as fuck should be punished. Equating it with alcohol is asinine. Not sure why you’re trying to derail this topic.
What? Sexual assault, pedophila or any range of abusive behaviors are not “human nature.” They are crimes and sure as fuck should be punished. Equating it with alcohol is asinine. Not sure why you’re trying to derail this topic.
For a few years now, McGowan has been all out of fucks to give and she’s kicking major ass. Of course, she gets the worst insults from the dudes who think that the moment a woman isn’t a prime youth anymore, she should live in a cave and shut up forever. The comments below this very article on Jezebel’s Facebook page…
A bit of a digression, but not really. Can we talk more in depth about Meryl Streep’s letter? BULLSHIT she didn’t know. Those rumors have been swirling for YEARS! It seemed like such a ridiculous tactic, “oh I condemn his actions and I swear I didn’t know!” It is one thing if the rumors haven’t hit the blind items and…
Right. NOBODY *just* found this out. It’s literally impossible that these people were unaware. I have lived in LA for the past 10+ years - not in the industry, and am generally the one with my head up my ass at parties when people talk about all the industry gossip. But this? I’ve been hearing about this since I got…
Her newest film is getting mixed reviews, but to cheer for her, I’m posting a good one. I’m bummed it’s not showing in my city, because I would love to vote with my dollars and go see The Sound. Look for it in your city! It was released just last month.
More like showed his ass a long time ago.
The names that need to step up are Clooney and Damon. You want credit for being woke and progressive? Say something, motherfuckers.
The silence from big HW players is deafening. Where are the condemnations from Tarantino, Affleck and co? So far, Mark Ruffalo is the biggest male star to speak out. Waiting, but not holding my breath, for others to join him.
Confirms my opinion of her. My hate for her started with her whining about her People magazine cover story about her weight loss. Farrah Fawcett was nearing the end of her cancer battle, and Hart whined that if Farrah died on a certain day, it would bump her off the cover.
Me too. I’ve always disliked her. Call me irrational, but there’s always been something a bit off about her.
Also true story: Melissa Joan Hart once insisted my friends brother (a valet) didn’t look trustworthy enough to park her car/do his job.
SO happy to hear this about my boyfriend Leo. Don’t @ me. The heart wants what the heart wants.
No, she really doesn’t. Someone even mentioned that this is private stuff and she replied that since Chelsea wants to go public, then we go public. Wtf? You’re the parent and your “mentally ill” kid is guiding your behavior.
Rosie is pissing me off. She’s still the parent but she wants to fight like equals. Tweeting about Chelsea’s mental illness and being hit by her BF is fucking gross. The more she publicly humiliates her, the more isolated the girl is going to be. Rosie is the looniest one of all. She’s talking about “didn’t u love me…
Discussion time: who would you put money on in a fight, Nicole or Reese? Reese seems like she’d cut a bitch, but Nicole survived Tom Cruise for ten years, so I feel like it’d be pretty even odds.
Yeah, he fucking did! And then he fucking TOLD everyone why he did it too? I feel such delicious and catty spite right now, it makes me grin.
People call my wife and me saints for adopting, but we don’t feel like it. Sometimes I feel like we are the worst parents ever, that someone with their shit more together could have done a better job without the fights and endless counseling. We just had no idea what to expect.