I Like Cars

Life is cheap in the 3rd world.

We see the world in very different ways...

Maybe the reason they oppose public transit systems is because most of them lose a shitload of money and serve very few people.

I respect your point of view but I don’t agree. Act normal, get treated normal. Win and you get respect. I work in an office with hundreds of people, dozens are gay, 2 are transgender. The ones that rise and thrive (management, promotions, etc.) don’t make a big deal about their sexual preferences, and seemingly no

Not sure how being understated and fitting in could enhance being outed. I feel it gains you respect, no matter what your disease, or cause. Isn’t normalcy what the oppressed want?

I don’t want to buy any car thrown together as quickly as possible in a makeshift facility.

My dad used to let me drive our ‘64 VW Bug the last 50 miles or so to a cabin we had in Vermont from age 13 to 16. Learned a stick, how to drift (these were gravel roads) and how to drive in snow. Invaluable.

This is how I want to go.

This where the term “French Kiss” got its name.

Have you visited Detroit lately? There is real rebirth happening, you can see and feel it all over downtown, Woodward Ave., etc. I’d buy in.

I know why she is doing this- to gain attention and promote her cause. Personally, I feel like an understated “lead by example” approach is more effective.

I’ll bet the owner of the dealership charged the employee for the damage.

Fact checking is so quaint.

The headline reads like someone died.

Just win and fit in and you won’t need stickers and movements.


Did you consider The Elephant Man handsome?

I’ve been staying up really late to work on this book, so one night I tired some adderall to see if it would help.

Everything you post is obscure and geeky.

Bike sharing in nearly every city around the world has resulted in massive theft and vandalism. People are assholes.