I Like Cars

It’s sad to know that there is a North Carolina Hot Wheels Association.

I like it (except the silly superhero logo), especially the fast back. It has a 60s Italian vibe.

I’m hoping talking on cell phones in public (in lines, on airplanes, at restaurants, etc.) becomes one of these extinct habits.

I’m guessing this guy drove a Gremlin.

Fuck the fine Corinthian leather, I like the chic’s chinchilla coat from Dicker & Dicker of Beverly Hills.

So it will be a Borsche?

A guy here in Ohio just got caught ripping off car wash change machines with a $20 bill with fishing line glued to it. He’d insert it, push the get $5 bills change option and pull it out.

No sympathy here. Clean that shit up.

“But as Robert Shapiro—former Treasury undersecretary and chairman of the economic consultancy Sonecon—points out in a new analysis, American taxpayers subsidize the USPS at a rate that surpasses the costs associated with any Congressional mandate. He estimates that, all told, the subsidies and legal monopolies that

Wow, you got me there.

“The only reason why Tesla is successful is because of this guy,” he said.

Why spend a nickel on the USPS? These days we could get by with mail service once a week. I have not received a meaningful piece of mail in years, just catalogs, coupons, and junk mail- none of which I asked for and I can’t elect to not get.

All of the above likely have a shitload of miles. Buy a used Hyundai or Kia with under 60k miles.

I didn’t think we needed tires anymore, as flying cars are just around the corner.

“People are dumb and content with debt.”

Please don’t move next to me.

Does this mean we are going to have endure another year of daily speculations and fanboy/girl posts and comments?

...Cadillac’s global chief marketing officer Uwe Ellinghaus announced that he’d be leaving the company due to “personal reasons.”

Different from other Hyundais maybe but not different from other brands. Take the badge off and it’s an Aston Martin, Jaguar, BMW, Mercedes concept car.